You ordered more then one phone?
gambling on ios versions also unsure what model i'd go with (8+ or 10 RIP headphone jack ;'( )
but yeah so i'll have 2ish weeks to decide once they arrive hopefully tomorrow
I'd argue that security is enough of a reason to force updates.
Once again I do agree except common sense says they'd rather me X.X.1 Versions behind then being on OS that's multiple years old and 2.X.X behind.
Outside of that, assuming they assume most people won't think forced iOS updates for security are a dealbreaker their inconsistency says that's not the case
For example just recently people within 8 or 10 found they can still downgrade to a Beta firmware that is jailbreakable but that same firmware on 5s through 7 is not signed.
This is been the most recent example but there have been several throughout the years, if it was purely security then they would close it for all devices.
why leave some people vulnerable and not others?
However, if they gave you root access and an unlocked bootloader, you could basically do whatever you want manually.
I agree, heck even if they didn't do that
if they just turned on the signing servers for any firmware it would basically end up being the same outcome for most people.
we need the right to fix laws, both for tractors and iPhones. You should be able to do what you want with your own device, as long as it complies with the law.
I agree again
I get why carriers lock a leased device, but even then, you should be able to load whatever software on it you want.
I agree again
Scripts to do what? You really sound like you need a Galaxy S9 or something like the OP6. You're way over the level of even most geeky iPhones users on this forum TBH.
interacting with my home automation stuff, lots of stuff based on incomming emails, generating reports, formating photos with certain tags & filters in formats that businesses clients i have for use.
lots of the report stuff i can move to a mac.
the photo manipulation is a little harder, there are one click things ios apps can do that would need a human in a editor like lightroom/photoshop to do on a mac.
the home automation stuff, i mean the iphone is a ARM based pocket computer.
its used by virtue of being on me at all times.
plus some of its for the nerd factor. i like that i could send a message to the phone and aslong as the subject contained a flag it would know to parse what told it to
(limitless possibilities if i wanted to waste the time coding what it should do)
I guess i probably am a more geeky user on the forum, Sometimes easy to forget that not everyone has a computer science background.
I'm a former jailbreak user, and everything that I jailbroke for is either now part of iOS (flashlight, folders), part of my AT&T plan (hotspot), or just sort of dumb/gimmicky/made obsolete by newer and larger phones (Alpha Tag changer).
I'd say that's what most people use a jailbreak for, even me in many ways.
Which actually reminds me, not being able to Hotspot was one of the restrictions of my unlimited data plan.
so I did that as well to bypass the detection.
while scripts in aggregate probably composed the majority of what unauthorized code ran on my phone on daily basis.
most of the stuff that affected me as a human day to day where the features I mentioned above giving new functionality to an older device and adblock
I can't really disagree with your sentiment on the headphone jack, but I think you really need a Galaxy S9.
neither can I, headphone jack FTW
I'll look into the possibility, I see you site does say they have a two week return policy if it's even close as lenient as apple's I might try one out for a week or so.
(I just don't want to be stuck with the thing if they have some weird usage loophole etc.)
I've already got iPhones on order so it could be a showdown

i imagine even if i like it my longtime apple bias may effect my decision even if i have to live with stock iOS