Excellent news!
The guy who runs bcd is an unsung hero, packaging up optimized drivers for Macs that Apple, even with all its resources, does not.
PS thank you mod for not burying this thread - wouldn't have seen this release otherwise (which, for a niche, is the most important iMac Pro news since its release).
Yes it is great he is doing this and deserve a lot of credit. Apple however consistently seem to hold the drivers back in boot camp and I have experienced issues many times. It gives the impression macOS is a lot quicker than windows, which just isn’t the case. I wish they would update them quicker but I have little hope in this, so thanks BCD guy, you are a legend.
Is there anyone can try this benchmark (FFXV for Windows) on a iMac Pro?
It's simple, just select High Quality, 3840x2160, Fullscreen, then Start to enjoy some gaming scenes, and wait for the result.
I wonder what’s the difference between the Windows bootcamp driver, and the real good AMD driver. Million thanks in advance.
Matt you do a a lot of good work and community is grateful to have you – but I don’t think what you do is sustainable.Umm thanks I guess lol.
there you go. bototcampdrivers on 8core 32gb and 16gb vega 64