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Does MacOS Sonoma runs fine on your Mac or is it buggy?

  • It runs fine on my Mac

  • It is buggy

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macrumors member
Nov 6, 2009
Installed Sonoma on my M1 MacBook Air, with no problems. Except for a bit of eyecandy, I can't see any difference, nothing is faster than before and I can't see any added value. But also no disadvantage.
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macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2013
Apart from having a few widgets on my desktop now and the new lock screen it's hard to tell the difference from macOS Ventura. I've read quite a few posts saying there were noticing performance gains, but my MacBook Pro M1 Pro has been performing exactly the same throughout the last three iterations of macOS.


macrumors 6502
Nov 21, 2007
Installed on the release day onto my MBA 15 which is only for home use. So far so good. But I have limited use of the machine. For my MBP 16 with M1 Pro, I will keep Ventura for a while until things are settled down.


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
Intel 2020 MBA. Running well - not much different to Ventura and I think performance is the same or marginally quicker. I've been on the betas for so long I don't remember what Ventura was like any more :)


Nov 8, 2007
I have 3 Macs (all Apple silicon) and all has been so far, so good.

The upgrade borked the dock on one of my Macs which 1) has had in place upgrades since Big Sur vs. clean install 2) has a LOT of apps on it which have been installed/uninstalled over time. It's my work horse and the one I expected might have the most trouble.

Luckily, I was able to retrieve the dock plist file from a Time Machine backup that I did before the upgrade and all seems to be working fine.

Some things that I think everyone should do are:

  1. Update all your apps before upgrading. I had quite a few non-AppStore apps that pushed out Sonoma fixes this week. Even something simple like Bartender needs a Sonoma update.

  2. Clean up any old apps you don't use. It's a good time to clean sweep, especially those apps which might autostart and run in the background, but you don't really use anymore. I had quite a few of these. Reboot after they are removed.

  3. After the upgrade, leave the machine running for an hour or two, come back to it and then reboot. It might just be placebo effect, but things felt kind of normal after a restart.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
I have 3 Macs (all Apple silicon) and all has been so far, so good.

The upgrade borked the dock on one of my Macs which 1) has had in place upgrades since Big Sur vs. clean install 2) has a LOT of apps on it which have been installed/uninstalled over time. It's my work horse and the one I expected might have the most trouble.

Luckily, I was able to retrieve the dock plist file from a Time Machine backup that I did before the upgrade and all seems to be working fine.

Some things that I think everyone should do are:

  1. Update all your apps before upgrading. I had quite a few non-AppStore apps that pushed out Sonoma fixes this week. Even something simple like Bartender needs a Sonoma update.

  2. Clean up any old apps you don't use. It's a good time to clean sweep, especially those apps which might autostart and run in the background, but you don't really use anymore. I had quite a few of these. Reboot after they are removed.

  3. After the upgrade, leave the machine running for an hour or two, come back to it and then reboot. It might just be placebo effect, but things felt kind of normal after a restart.
just, um...

1. some apps may require sonoma to be upgraded, so the OS upgrade is usually worth running first.

2. you can clean up old apps any time...

3. that 'hour or two' thing is based on what exactly? (altho spotlight might take some time to re-index after the new OS is installed).

still, if those things work for you... then all is well ☺️


Nov 8, 2007
just, um...

1. some apps may require sonoma to be upgraded, so the OS upgrade is usually worth running first.

2. you can clean up old apps any time...

3. that 'hour or two' thing is based on what exactly? (altho spotlight might take some time to re-index after the new OS is installed).

still, if those things work for you... then all is well ☺️

Just sharing what worked for me and what I would tell a friend or family member to do. You do you.


macrumors member
Nov 12, 2010
Working just fine on my MBP 14" M2, as expected. Haven't seen anything to complain about yet.


macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
Running good here.. updated today on Mac mini 2018 (i3 model from 2020 refresh) and all looking good. Temps are actually a little lower than previously at idle and when streaming video in Safari etc... Boot up time appears little slower but no big deal.

Seems good and everything working... Not bad for an intel era machine :)


macrumors newbie
Nov 2, 2020
I installed Sonoma yesterday via Ventura,
had problems with Windows Server on my MacMini M2Pro after a few hours.

Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer

this error message also came shortly after each reboot. (not solved)
Today there was a problem that Safari displayed web pages, when I wanted to download something the download didn't work....., no response also on other pages not

I could click the control panel icon, but no window opened, but the white dot was under the icon. In the Appstore I tried to download Sonoma again to install it again, with click on the load button, the window for the control panel opened, but only the left side was displayed, the right side was not available.

I will now install Sonoma over it, and hope that the problem is solved.
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macrumors 68020
Aug 19, 2009
S. AZ.
Sonoma itself working very well. Have had issues with PIA VPN, doesn't work well, and Malwarebytes hung on a scheduled scan once but other than that, it's working very well.


macrumors member
Jan 28, 2008
My main issue is when using Sidecar, my mouse and keyboard intermittently freeze, making it unusable. The only solution so far is to stop using Sidecar, which is obviously not great. I'm hoping for a fix soon as I use Sidecar almost everyday!


macrumors newbie
Jul 20, 2011
I have two issues that I noticed since updating, first one is the mail app stops "syncing" when I click on an email to read it, keeps it as unread after it has been opened for a while (many hours probably), closing and reopening the app fixes it again for a while.

The other issue is with YouTube videos on safari, if I go to another tab and browse, sometimes the sound will stutter, for like a second or less, randomly. The Picture in Picture option seems to be broken too, stutters.

This is on a Mac mini m1, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd. Connected to two screens, one 4K and one 1080p. All of that worked fine on the previous version.


macrumors member
Mar 16, 2022
I have been working with Sonoma on my Mac Studio (M1 base model) for several days now and am quite satisfied with the stability and speed.


macrumors 601
Mar 25, 2008
I've been using Sonoma for a few months now on both an M1 MBP and a 2018 Intel Mac mini, and build quality has definitely gone down the tubes from Beta 8 (I believe 8 or 7) to the initial RC and to now. Here's some issues currently happening to me and a few others in these forums:

  1. -Curser randomly just disappears. I need to swipe up into Mission Control to get it back
  2. -Encrypted Password Protected External Drives are failing to mount after logging in
  3. -Passkeys are offered to be saved, but then nothing is listed in Settings
  4. -Keychain Manager crashes when trying to delete a saved Password
  5. -Apple's Mail app shows a completely different number of unread emails in the 'Smart' folder than what's accurate
  6. -Photo's app will randomly just stop syncing, even after quitting & relaunching the app
  7. -A few other random one-off type issues resolved by a reboot, which then meant I had to shut down (again) and unplug my External Drives, boot up & log in, and THEN reconnect each drive. Ugh
  8. -Unable to select a folder from the Photos App to randomly cycle thru Desktop Wallpaper. When I select the folder, the default Sonoma Wallpaper comes up instead.
  9. -Random BlueTooth Disconnections/Reconnections (Apple Magic Trackpad & Keyboard)

To be clear, moving from Ventura to Sonoma initially on the earlier betas really did seem like we're moving to a more refined OS. Lots of folks reporting a number of prior issues being addressed and honestly not a lot of the "showstopper" type of bugs and things did seem much faster and smoother for the first 4-5 betas. But now? Oooof... There was a lot of growing pains when Ventura was released, though, and Monterey, too. Here's hoping we get a quick turnaround on some of these issues.
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macrumors member
Jun 23, 2015
I'm finding MacOS 14 very buggy. I have two major issues:

1) Apple Photos will crash quite often, primarily when performing person/pet tagging. Since installing MacOS14, my Apple Photos has sent at least one crash report to Apple each day.

2) Finder will often stall out and become unresponsive when accessing my Synology file share. It is not that the file contents will be slow to update, no the entire application will stop responding for like, 30 seconds. I just rebooted so see if that will help that situation.


macrumors newbie
Aug 16, 2009
It seems that Sonoma breaks some apps that are supposed to autolaunch at startup. For instance, the app "hyperkey" (the process appears in Activity Monitor) but does not work unless you manually open it once. The same thing happens with the app "blockblock" – it's supposed to autostart, but it doesn't work until you manually start it after a reboot. This is really annoying.


macrumors newbie
Sep 19, 2023
buggy as all hell. The constant crashing and rebooting on it's own due to using external displays is really pissing me off. It crashes and reboots like 7x+ a day for me between all my dock setups with my studio displays. absolutely ridiculous and can't believe there's no hotfix out for this yet, as many people are complaining about it. It's unusable as a docked desktop, and apparently even the Studio desktops have the same problem, making their desktops even unusable!

and another great one related to studio displays, is about 90% of the time I dock, can't adjust brightness or true tone. It detects they're studio displays, but it doesn't let you adjust brightness at all until you unplug one of the displays from the TB port on the back of the monitor, and plug it back in. This happens every single time I dock for the most part now.
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