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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 12, 2016
Southern California
I forgot to turn off my MacBook Pro earlier before I left. Is it going to overheat? Is that bad that will damage the component? I will be home after work. With that being said, I left my MBP for almost 11 hrs total before I can get home and nobody can turn it off for me at home. I just dont want to burn anything. And the MBP is not running any programs when I left. Bad thing is I set the power settings to never sleep. The charger is also connected and charging.


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
Yes, it runs so hot and will cause burnt components.?

The computer is designed to shut down if it gets hot enough to damage itself.

Leaving computers on is fine, many people have their computers running 24/7 doing intensive work, for the whole time they own them, not the best way to use a laptop and it may slightly lower its life expectancy, but it certainly won't damage it.

I would take a chill pill and forget about it, You'll get home and it'll be exactly as you left it and ready to use.


macrumors 603
Mar 14, 2008
Yes, it runs so hot and will cause burnt components.?
No. Just no.

Your computer will shut down on its own if it ever comes close to damaging itself with heat. You have nothing at all to worry about.

Hot to your touch doesn't mean it's too hot for a MACHINE (remember, your computer is just that, a machine).

I'll give you a short excerpt from the Wikipedia article on thermal burns:

The minimum temperature where it can suffer burn in a finite amount of time is 44 °C (111 °F). From 44° to 51 °C (111° to 124 °F), the rate of burn increases by a factor of approximately four with each Celsius degree risen or twice per Fahrenheit degree risen, from six hours down to six seconds. The burn would develop in less than a second if the exposure temperature is at least 70 °C (160 °F)

51 C is pretty much idle temperature for your computer, that is, the insides are sitting at that temperature when it's doing absolutely nothing. Like what you're so afraid of.

These computers will run up to 105C before throttling themselves to keep heat production down, if that doesn't work and temps keep climbing, they'll shut down and refuse to boot back up until things have cooled, plain and simple. THAT, is a computer that has overheated.

Having it sit on your desk doing nothing will not, ever, cause that. You can leave it there until the end of time, and it still won't overheat.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 12, 2016
Southern California

You didn't answer my question. Does the computer crash or lock up?

Nope it doesn't crash or lock up. even when I got home that day that didn't happen. But I think it went to power saver mode maybe just because it's been idle for how many hours. But it's all good I touched it it's not even hot. Thanks all for the help!
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