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macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 11, 2014
I was just at the Apple Store, and unless I've mistaken it seems like the XS MAX mostly seems to show the same content - just bigger.

Maybe I am wrong? Please correct me.

I was under the impression you would see MORE content.


macrumors 68030
Sep 14, 2012
I was just at the Apple Store, and unless I've mistaken it seems like the XS MAX mostly seems to show the same content - just bigger.

Maybe I am wrong? Please correct me.

I was under the impression you would see MORE content.
For now it’s just bigger. Course I’m assuming that app developers can change that. To take advantage of the screen size.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 11, 2014
Just bigger

So when browsing on Safari, it will be same amount of content as the smaller iPhone XS? Just "zoomed in" or bigger overall?

I did see it in store just a few hours ago. Overall wasn't too satisfied tbh.

I was hoping that bigger screen would show more in safari when reading an article, etc.

EDIT: apparently, you can see more on Safari, according to some on here. So idk.


macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2007
Hong Kong
Not great quality, as it's the webcam, but here is an X and XS Max on the same webpage 2018-09-21 20.52.41.png?dl=0 2018-09-22 13.43.05.png

definitely more content.


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macrumors regular
Aug 22, 2003
What about in a native app like News? Where I'd like more content is in News, Pocket, Safari, Kindle...


macrumors 68020
Jan 27, 2011
It will be just like the previous introductions of new screen sizes. Apps that aren’t yet optimized may just “zoom” to fit the screen. Apps that are updated properly will show more content. The point size is supposed to be the same across all devices.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 19, 2014
It will be just like the previous introductions of new screen sizes. Apps that aren’t yet optimized may just “zoom” to fit the screen.

then the homescreen of the xs max is not optimized, because the app icons look blown up if you compare to let's say iphone 8 plus.


macrumors 68020
Jan 27, 2011
then the homescreen of the xs max is not optimized, because the app icons look blown up if you compare to let's say iphone 8 plus.
It’s just the icon size. Comparing my Xs to Xs Max side-by-side, I can see that the icon size is slightly larger. Looking at the Calendar icon, the content (date) is the same size, but there is slightly more white space around it within the icon. App developers will need to update their apps to add the new icon size (there are quite a few different sizes that Apple requires). Until then, the phone will display the smaller-sized icon, but “blown up” to fit the new size.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2014
then the homescreen of the xs max is not optimized, because the app icons look blown up if you compare to let's say iphone 8 plus.
I upgraded my 8+ to the Max and the icons are definitely the exact same size, I compared them side by side right when I got it first set up. The home screen doesn’t display more content than the 8+, but apps such as safari and the music app do show more content than the 8+
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 19, 2014
I upgraded by 8+ to the Max and the icons are definitely the exact same size, I compared them side by side right when I got it first set up.

you must dream: app icons on the plus phones are smaller and not blown up like on the max :O


macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2005
Both. And if the app is native it’s alteady ‘optimized’.

There will be more text visible in apps like News or Notes. Photos will be larger. However, when you edit a photo the image isn’t THAT much bigger on the XSM. This is an area of focus for me. I use the second to lowest setting for text size so there were times where I saw an extra paragraph on the screen of the XSM.

but.. scrolling is pretty easy


macrumors 65832
Dec 21, 2010
I was just at the Apple Store, and unless I've mistaken it seems like the XS MAX mostly seems to show the same content - just bigger.

Maybe I am wrong? Please correct me.

I was under the impression you would see MORE content.

Theres a setting in Settings/Display & Brightness, called "DISPLAY ZOOM". You have two settings:

1: Standard= Standard shows more content.

2: Zoomed= Zoomed shows larger controls.

Not sure if this is any help?

Obviously third party apps will look zoomed regardless, until they have been updated for the higher resolution screen on the XS Max.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2017
Just bigger
Please stop spreading misinformation like this

You have a huge responsibility as the first person to reply, people are going to keep reading your comment and going no further.

Apps which have been updated for the Max show more information; apps which have not yet are just zoomed, exactly like they were when the 6 Plus came out.



macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2009
Just bigger

This. Is. Incorrect.

Please stop spreading misinformation like this

You have a huge responsibility as the first person to reply, people are going to keep reading your comment and going no further.

Apps which have been updated for the Max show more information; apps which have not yet are just zoomed, exactly like they were when the 6 Plus came out.

View attachment 786659

Thank you Diorama. I can’t believe how often this question has come up and people are still confused or skeptical about it.

The Max will definitely show more content on screen. Plenty of screenshots have been shared that show excellent comparisons, and even to the older 4.7” and 5.5” iPhones.
I agree with what everyone has already stated. I’m curious to see how developers will use the extra space moving forward though.

It’ll be just like how they used the additional real estate of the Plus compared to the 4.7” iPhone. The difference from XS to Max is very very similar to 4.7” vs 5.5”.
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macrumors regular
Oct 28, 2017
Columbus, GA
This. Is. Incorrect.

Thank you Diorama. I can’t believe how often this question has come up and people are still confused or skeptical about it.

The Max will definitely show more content on screen. Plenty of screenshots have been shared that show excellent comparisons, and even to the older 4.7” and 5.5” iPhones.

It’ll be just like how they used the additional real estate of the Plus compared to the 4.7” iPhone. The difference from XS to Max is very very similar to 4.7” vs 5.5”.

That makes sense, I may try my hand at scaling between the two models in my leisure time.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
For now it’s just bigger. Course I’m assuming that app developers can change that. To take advantage of the screen size.
They didn’t last time with the plus. They allowed the apps to fill the screen but for most apps there were no additional features or more of a desktop layout.
This. Is. Incorrect.

Thank you Diorama. I can’t believe how often this question has come up and people are still confused or skeptical about it.

The Max will definitely show more content on screen. Plenty of screenshots have been shared that show excellent comparisons, and even to the older 4.7” and 5.5” iPhones.

It’ll be just like how they used the additional real estate of the Plus compared to the 4.7” iPhone. The difference from XS to Max is very very similar to 4.7” vs 5.5”.
The verge review says it doesn’t so maybe this is where the poster got her information from.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 19, 2014
on HOMESCREEN the icons are indeed bigger/ blown up than on a plus iphone HOMESCREEN!


macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2009
They didn’t last time with the plus. They allowed the apps to fill the screen but for most apps there were no additional features or more of a desktop layout.
The verge review says it doesn’t so maybe this is where the poster got her information from.

Really, the Verge review said that? Wow.
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