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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 29, 2012

Started using Bedtime so keeping my iPhone 11 Pro beside my bed at night. I always used to plug my iPhones into my iMac at night to charge and sync/backup with iTunes. Just wondering what my options to change that up might be.

My basic requirements/questions are:
  • Wi-fi sync of my iTunes music library. I know that it will initiate when I plug my phone into power. I think there are still too many issues to rely on Apple Music iCloud. Any other ways to accomplish this sync? It's been around for years, I'm assuming it's reliable...
  • Backup via iTunes Wi-Fi Sync. Does it do the local backup over wi-fi or just sync content? I currently do both over wire.
  • Wireless vs wired charging. Wondering if Apple considers "on a wireless charger" the same as "plugged in to power" to initiate iTunes Wi-Fi Sync. If not, it's a no-go. Will it work with the Apple leather case? Thinking it is maybe future-proof if Apple drops a wired connection by the time I need a new phone (yeah, i know that will be years) and maybe the teeniest bit more convenient to place the phone in a wireless charging stand and night vs. plug in a cable.
  • Does any of this change if/when I move from Mojave to Catalina?
I've also been interested in wireless charging in the car with CarPlay, but I believe it only works if the car itself is provisioned for it and has it's own built in charging pad. Please correct me if I'm wrong. It would be more convenient if I could just get in my car and put the phone in a wireless charging cradle and have it connect to CarPlay, saving me fumbling with the cable and the cradle. I'm driving a 2017 Mazda3 with CarPlay.

Any other thoughts/recommendations welcomed.

About iTunes sync, it should just find the phone on WLAN and see that it's charging, regardless of if it's a cord/pad. Also it should be for both backup and sync. Question is how good Wi-Fi connection works in iTunes.

For Wi-Fi backups iMazing will be way better than iTunes imo (scheduled backups, incremental backups as with iTunes, ability to set minimum charge for the phone to back up, etc.). Don't know any alternative for music library though.
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Question is how good Wi-Fi connection works in iTunes.

This seems to be the question. Popped the phone on power last night when I went to bed. Woke up to error that connection to phone was reset and now iTunes thinks it's still syncing.

Will see how tonight goes.
Worked tonight for back-up and music sync. So that's good.

Still looking for feedback on the rest if anyone has insight they'd like to share.

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