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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 9, 2013
Ok, I upgraded my iMac to Mavericks recently, and since then, some videos on Youtube won't play while in Safari and it will say missing plugin and sometimes a popup will show up urging me to update my Flash. I get to the point where I am supposed to double-click on the icon to install when I get a warning sign from Apple that it "cannot be verified" and all that.

So I quit that and I bring up the other browser I use - Opera - and the same videos work just fine.

Now, I may not be the most computer-literate person around and this may be a stupid question, but when you have Flash installed, doesn't it install on your whole computer, so shouldn't any browser you use have the same version of Flash you are using and be experiencing the same symptoms?


macrumors 68000
Feb 15, 2011
In 10.9.5 Apple changed the way that software from trusted developers is signed. Developers will have to make that small change, or the app won't run by standard. To get around that, rightclick instead of double click, and select open.

As for Opera vs Safari: Apple doesn't allow outdated versions of flash to run that have know security risks. Opera does.

Just update flash using the right click method for now, and you'll be good to go.


macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2006
I have the same problem, Safari says flash out of date yet Firefox does youtube just fine. What I did and would recommend to the OP is go to in Safari and click "request the HTML5 player" button so that whenever possible Safari will play videos in HTML5. Note that some videos and youtube ads still require flash.

I honestly don't know why flash is still used, it's terrible.


Jul 3, 2013
I have the same problem, Safari says flash out of date yet Firefox does youtube just fine. What I did and would recommend to the OP is go to in Safari and click "request the HTML5 player" button so that whenever possible Safari will play videos in HTML5. Note that some videos and youtube ads still require flash.

I honestly don't know why flash is still used, it's terrible.

Agreed, but some good news... I've been running the public beta of Yosemite for a while now and with the new Safari Youtube runs in HTML5 as standard, no need to request the HTML5 player. It's great, battery life is massively increased, runs smoother, laptop doesnt heat up - infact its like its sitting doing nothing. Same for Netflix, HTML5 is great. Also works fine with Adblock and Ghostery :).


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2003
Erie, PA
Flash already install Flash

If Flash is already installed, go to your control panel. Click on the Flash Player, Click on Advance. You will see a lot of stuff in the panel, like how you want update Flash. The one we want at this point is Check Now. It will take you to Adobe Flash Player Download, fellow though all the instructions (like which Flash Player.. And so on). If you pick the right version (Mac), it will download the Flash Player Install.

Another way to install Flash Player if you have Flash 13 follow the instructions, it will open a installer download the update. It will tell you need to close all web browsers, and control panel.

Before the Install completes It will how you want to install future installs.

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