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Apr 12, 2001

Doppler is getting a significant update next week, bringing some notable track and album features to the increasingly popular third-party music playing app for iPhone.


For those unfamiliar, the Doppler app offers users an alternative way to experience their music library, sporting an adaptive minimalist interface with an emphasis on album artwork/metadata editing on iPhone and support for importing MP3, FLAC, AAC, and WAV file formats without having to connect to a computer.

In December, Doppler Listening reports were added, offering users an elegant overview of their listening habits over the course of the year.

And in the latest v2.3 update due to roll out on February 23, Doppler users will be able to ask Siri to play specific albums, songs and playlists within Doppler. Siri commands like "Play all songs by James Blake in Doppler" or "Play my Liked Songs playlist in Doppler" are now supported in English, French, German, and Spanish.


Users will still need to include "in Doppler" at the end of commands so Siri knows which app to use, but the developer says this should change in iOS 14.5.

Doppler will also support Siri Suggestions from next week. As Doppler is used, Siri can learn patterns around how and when music is listened to. For example, when headphones are connected, Siri can intelligently suggest music to play.

In addition, Doppler 2.3 will integrate with Spotlight search. Songs and playlists show in search results on the Home Screen. Results can be tapped to open in Doppler, or to start playing without having to open the app.


The third and final integration is Doppler for CarPlay — a custom CarPlay app to access and play content from the Doppler library. The CarPlay interface offers library-wide playback and shuffle buttons, as well as Recently Added albums and usual artists, albums and playlists. Siri support is also included, so Doppler can be controlled in CarPlay with voice alone.

Doppler costs $6.99 and is available to download for iPhone from the App Store. [Direct Link] Interested readers can subscribe to Doppler's email list to get a notification when the v2.3 update is live.

Article Link: Doppler Music Player to Gain Siri Support, Spotlight Integration, and CarPlay App [Update: Out Now]
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Huh. I had never heard of Dopler before, I’ll be honest. But after reading this and seeing it I’ll definitely give it a try! Always glad to see devs implementing the newest iOS features as they come out.

Also glad dopler is a stand-alone price, not a subscription. So much more appealing to me. (Although to some it may be a dealbreaker, I feel as though the “free+“ app structure has ruined people. Nobody wants to pay upfront for an app anymore.

Lastly, I love that their “love” feature is front and center. Still is baffling to me why Apple buried that feature in the menu of the now playing screen. If you don’t tell Siri which songs you like, how can you expect her to get smarter and recommend similar music?
increasingly popular third-party music playing app

I’m not so sure about that. On the U.K. store it currently has eight reviews. Eight. If your definition of ‘increasingly popular’ is doubling users from 4 to 8, then I suppose so. But mine is a bit more circumspect.

Can anybody tell me if this app updates Music play counts (I leverage this with Smart playlists) and does it support Sound Check?

The app seems pretty buggy to me. On two iOS devices it really struggles to import my songs from my Music library, with repeated hangs.
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Can anybody tell me if this app updates Music play counts (I leverage this with Smart playlists) and does it support Sound Check?

The app seems pretty buggy to me. On two iOS devices it really struggles to import my songs from my Music library, with repeated hangs.
Doppler works independently of the iOS Music app — you can import locally stored music into Doppler, and Doppler will track play counts, but this wont (and can’t) be synced back to

I believe the Sound Check setting applies only for Doppler doesn’t offer a similar feature, but please drop us an email so we can investigate supporting this in the future.

Happy to investigate the import issues as well — please get in touch within the app or by email with more details.

Looks like a cool app. Placed an alert to get it when there’s a price drop in the future. Already using Marvis Pro so can’t justify buying both at full price.
I'd be happy to give this a try provided it can successfully use my Music library. I just hate Apple's Music app so very much... Apple's Mac app is also awful...
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Interesting, I was looking for something like that, as I’m still buying music. Does anybody knows from which cloud services you can import songs ? OwnCloud by any chance? Thanks !!
Given that it maintains its own library, is it safe to say that any edits you make to your music files also won't sync back to Music?

That's correct. Doppler works independently of, but allows you to bring over your Library from there for convenience. Changes aren't synced back.
This sounds cool in that it's independent from Apple's Music library.

So ideally you could use Doppler to play your FLAC collection without having to import it into your main music library? I have a large collection of FLAC music that I don't listen to often but would like to have available in its own space. This app can do that?

If so it's an instant purchase.
I just downloaded the iOS app and airdrop worked so nicely to transfer the music I wanted to be on my phone, I deleted the apple music app and saved 14 GB of space. Very Nice that you can hide "recently added" albums. That always annoyed me about the Apple Music app.

The only very minor disappointment is that the Mac app and the Transfer app requires Big Sur, and I'm on Catalina, because Catalina works better on my older MacBook Pro. Very minor, because airdrop works so well and is a good fast method for transfer.
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