I got a hankering for a retro gaming machine, and am looking to get either an iMac G3 or an eMac. I'd prefer the iMac for its looks, but I need for it to be able to play Dos game through Dosbox, using either OSX Tiger or Linux. Is the iMac (600mhz or 700mhz model) up to the task?
Despite being a slender piece of software, DOSBox is still trying to emulate the X86 architecture - something PPC Macs don't excel at.
I've only ever tried to run Fasttracker in DOSBox which is music software that plays back sequences of wav files and can easily run on a 386 8Mhz PC - in this task it roundly fails on anything but a high end G5.
Just tried it again this morning on my 1.67Ghz Powerbook - again, it opens and works but with stuttering and CPU running at 100%
My lack of success doesn't mean it wont work for you - it depends entirely on the game you're trying, and given the low cost of an iMac or eMac, what have you got to lose?
Bear in mind a G4 eMac has more capabilities than a G3 iMac and the iMac will require the special build of DOSBox.
From memory, I think I had the same luck with MS-DOS in VPC, plus I think I struggled to get programs into it (had to create floppy disk images) - DOSBox is better in that respect, as you just drop your software into the appropriate folder.
As an aside, PPC Macs are much better at emulating game consoles than a PC - maybe consider those as an alternative to get your retro fix?
I'll endeavour to try DOSBox on my G3 iMac later and let you know how I get on.
I got a hankering for a retro gaming machine, and am looking to get either an iMac G3 or an eMac. I'd prefer the iMac for its looks, but I need for it to be able to play Dos game through Dosbox, using either OSX Tiger or Linux. Is the iMac (600mhz or 700mhz model) up to the task?
Just tried DOSBox on my 500Mhz iMac, firstly the only version that would open is 0.71.
Trying the program referenced before, Fasttracker, it attempts to open but just gets stuck trying to draw the first screen refresh.