In the fear of double posting I thought this deserved its own thread even if it’s just for discussion . I ran into dosbox for ppc with jit
and am amazed how well it worked even for more demanding games such as blood (go ahead and try to run these at playable frame rates on even a g5). I am wondering if anyone has tried or if it’s even possible to integrate this version of dosbox with boxer 1.3.3 ?
Download dosbox-ppcjit for free. DOSBox + PowerPC JIT = <3. A build of DOSBox SVN for Mac OS X 10.4+ using the PowerPC JIT from Vogons: Apply the patch to DOSBox trunk, set appropriately (including enabling dynrec) and then build...
and am amazed how well it worked even for more demanding games such as blood (go ahead and try to run these at playable frame rates on even a g5). I am wondering if anyone has tried or if it’s even possible to integrate this version of dosbox with boxer 1.3.3 ?
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