Hello everyone,
Back in 2014, just before it got EOL'd, I was able to purchase a brand new iPod Classic (single platter 160GB - last revision ever).
However, much to my surprise, this iPod requires OSX Lion for Compatibility which is very surprising considering the similar earlier revisions (except for the 160GB single platter) were PPC compatible.
In OSX Leopard 10.5.8 (MDD G4), the iPod mounts on the desktop as an external drive but is a no show in iTunes 10.6.8 except for "requires OSX Lion" message at startup.
I've located every earlier iPod Classic OS revs but, everytime I double click on them, it either has no impact (PPC setting) or, at least in 10.14 Mojave, it fires up iTunes, claims to re-install the earlier OS but then, at boot, the classic again shows 2.0.5 as default OS.
I know about RockBox but I'm very attached to the iTunes / iPod integration as I have several PPC setups with 10.5.8 installed and I don't want to break that bond.
If anybody has been in my shoes and has been able to downgrade that OS, please write here to detail your experience.
As always, huge thanks to the PPC community.
Back in 2014, just before it got EOL'd, I was able to purchase a brand new iPod Classic (single platter 160GB - last revision ever).
However, much to my surprise, this iPod requires OSX Lion for Compatibility which is very surprising considering the similar earlier revisions (except for the 160GB single platter) were PPC compatible.
In OSX Leopard 10.5.8 (MDD G4), the iPod mounts on the desktop as an external drive but is a no show in iTunes 10.6.8 except for "requires OSX Lion" message at startup.
I've located every earlier iPod Classic OS revs but, everytime I double click on them, it either has no impact (PPC setting) or, at least in 10.14 Mojave, it fires up iTunes, claims to re-install the earlier OS but then, at boot, the classic again shows 2.0.5 as default OS.
I know about RockBox but I'm very attached to the iTunes / iPod integration as I have several PPC setups with 10.5.8 installed and I don't want to break that bond.
If anybody has been in my shoes and has been able to downgrade that OS, please write here to detail your experience.
As always, huge thanks to the PPC community.