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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 11, 2018
Is there any possible way to make an iPhone capable of downloading video? I own my phone outright I don’t care if I brick it, it’s just an SE anyways, so even if I have to jailbreak it - I don’t care - I just can’t deal with this nonsense of not being able to download videos.


macrumors newbie
Dec 31, 2017
Is there any possible way to make an iPhone capable of downloading video? I own my phone outright I don’t care if I brick it, it’s just an SE anyways, so even if I have to jailbreak it - I don’t care - I just can’t deal with this nonsense of not being able to download videos.

You can download videos from Netflix.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
What kind of videos do you want to download.

You can download videos from netflix, amazon, iTunes and YouTube.


Jun 22, 2007
iPhones can download movies from iTunes, but I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for. Let me guess, you want some torrented files on your iPhone? :p

I personally use VLC, and I can simply transfer videos from any computer to my iPhone/iPad wirelessly via drag-n-drop on a browser. Easy.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 11, 2018
Any video that has a “download” link will only play them. For instance - my own YouTube videos that I would like to put on my phone, emailed videos, or just recently when someone took a video of me and sent me a dropbox link - I can only play it. It just seems complete nonsense that I’m not allowed to put these on my phone. Clearly apple is never going to get the hint so there needs to be another way.

Also, I’ve used that Documents app but you can only access those files through the app which prevents me from uploading them through other apps - so the only benefit is I can watch them offline.


macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2017
Use Documents app built in browser to download any file and the VLC app to play it
+1 for Documents app. Used built in browser and video download websites. Files were downloaded to Documents folders, but I moved them to Photos App.


macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2015
Southport Nc
Drop box you maybe don’t have the access to download them. I can go into my drop box and download any video no issues.

Email I have no issues downloading and saving the videos also.

As far as YouTube goes I think you can download from the creator app (been a long time since I done YouTube stuff maybe not anymore?) you can do the $10 a month plan by google to download YouTube videos with in the app. Or you can find a 3rd party YouTube app that allows this. This will need a 3rd party App Store.
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Sep 15, 2016
Berlin, Germany
Any video that has a “download” link will only play them. For instance - my own YouTube videos that I would like to put on my phone, emailed videos, or just recently when someone took a video of me and sent me a dropbox link - I can only play it. It just seems complete nonsense that I’m not allowed to put these on my phone. Clearly apple is never going to get the hint so there needs to be another way.

Also, I’ve used that Documents app but you can only access those files through the app which prevents me from uploading them through other apps - so the only benefit is I can watch them offline.

„Open With“ copies them to any other App.
Regarding youtube, get the video link url and paste it on one of those YouTube video download sites


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 11, 2018
+1 for Documents app. Used built in browser and video download websites. Files were downloaded to Documents folders, but I moved them to Photos App.
I couldn’t access any folders in my phone besides the document folder from that app. And you can’t see anything in that folder from anywhere except the document app.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2017

OP, I PROMISE you that shortcuts are the answer.
I can’t stress this enough, I’ve been downloading YouTube onto IPhone since 2011 and it’s always been some hacked together ********, using apps that get deleted or functionality gets patched out.
Now finally I can do it through shortcuts, it’s ****ing life changing.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2017
Just tried it and once again, like the documents app, will only save in its own folders and I can’t access that folder from anywhere besides that app.

Trust me.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 11, 2018
OP, I PROMISE you that shortcuts are the answer.
I can’t stress this enough, I’ve been downloading YouTube onto IPhone since 2011 and it’s always been some hacked together ********, using apps that get deleted or functionality gets patched out.
Now finally I can do it through shortcuts, it’s ****ing life changing.
That says I have to update to OS12 which I really don’t want to do - I already screwed myself BIGTIME going to 11 - my phone is buggy and laggy as hell now and really don’t want to make it even worse.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2017
That says I have to update to OS12 which I really don’t want to do - I already screwed myself BIGTIME going to 11 - my phone is buggy and laggy as hell now and really don’t want to make it even worse.

12 will fix your phone.

The entire purpose of iOS12 is to save people from iOS11.

Lazarus was raised when Jesus updated him to ios12.
[doublepost=1538420231][/doublepost]Seriously go out there and try to find people who upgraded from 11 to 12 and regret it. Try.
[doublepost=1538421624][/doublepost]I mean. Back it up first.

To iTunes and iCloud.

Then update bro.


macrumors regular
Jan 19, 2012
Just tried it and once again, like the documents app, will only save in its own folders and I can’t access that folder from anywhere besides that app.
3d touch downloaded video and swipe up to share. From there you can move to files app, third party app like Dropbox, photo gallery, etc. If your phone doesn't have 3d touch you can also click edit in downloads pane, select vid, select share menu on bottom left and move that way. Can only select one video to move at a time. Hope that helps.

Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
I used to dl YouTube videos natively in an officially supported app. Then YouTube changed their api’s and those apps weren’t allowed on the App Store any longer. Shame, was a nice experience.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 11, 2018
He never came back...

I hope iOS12 didn’t brick his phone or something :oops:
Ha, I just got a chance to reply now. Phone is still buggy but it’s no worse than before. But can’t figure out how to use this app. I managed to copy the link to a video I’m trying to download- but now what do I do with it?
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