Anybody made the jump back from a Plus model to a normal iPhone? How did you find it? I fancy the 7 after owning both the 6+ and 6S+.
I'm considering it mainly because I've become hyper-aware of how much it sticks out of my shirt pocket at work, and how big it feels in the pockets of my shorts/trousers.
I'd be keen to hear your experiences around the keyboard. I'm not really guilty of fat-fingering, more 'I can't be bothered typing so I'll just mash at the screen'. I seem to remember that problem significantly reducing when the Plus came out. Also, I heard people talking recently about battery life and how similar they are now, in terms of on-screen time.
I'm considering it mainly because I've become hyper-aware of how much it sticks out of my shirt pocket at work, and how big it feels in the pockets of my shorts/trousers.
I'd be keen to hear your experiences around the keyboard. I'm not really guilty of fat-fingering, more 'I can't be bothered typing so I'll just mash at the screen'. I seem to remember that problem significantly reducing when the Plus came out. Also, I heard people talking recently about battery life and how similar they are now, in terms of on-screen time.