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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 27, 2013
Spokane, WA
I currently have a 256 GB phone. I'm looking at downsizing to the 128 GB version of the iphone 14 pro. I am currently using 156 GB of my phone. However, I do have iCloud. Would that work, and could the new phone just have more things "on the cloud", or would I run out of space?
I currently have a 256 GB phone. I'm looking at downsizing to the 128 GB version of the iphone 14 pro. I am currently using 156 GB of my phone. However, I do have iCloud. Would that work, and could the new phone just have more things "on the cloud", or would I run out of space?

I would def stay at 256 or upgrade it I have a 128 gb 13 pm with only 2.5 gb left and I’m upgrading
Do you know what's taking up the space? You would have to go to 'iPhone Storage' and see if there's anything that can be stored in iCloud. For example, if the majority of the storage is Photos, then yes, it'd probably work to downsize and use the optimize storage option. The full-size originals would live in iCloud, and a smaller optimized size would live on your phone. If it's apps and games taking up most of the space, then wouldn't work to downsize, as they cannot be stored in iCloud. You'd be constantly deleting or unloading apps to make room for others as needed.

Also, if you do downsize, you would need to shrink your usage on your current phone first in order to be able to do a backup and restore. It'd probably have to be somewhere around ~100-110GB, since some space is reserved for the OS/system.

If I were you, I'd stick with 256GB. The used storage is only going to keep growing, unless you have a lot of "junk" you can get rid of (unused apps, unneeded videos, etc).
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iCloud will store your photos and videos in their original resolution. If you don't store a lot of media and primarily use your phone as your camera then you should be okay with at least 256 GB.
in comes down to 1) do you use your phone to STREAM media or 2) do you use it to STORE media? if 1, you could get away with 128. if 2, you may want more.
My iPad Pro 512GB is getting into the stage where I’m debating whether I need 1TB or not. So yeah, downsizing is hard. iCloud can’t do very much if your App Library is very big, like other people say. Also third party file management app can’t store some of their data in iCloud either depending on the design.

What I‘d do is squeezing a little bit more money to get higher capacity so you won’t wasting your time constantly micromanaging your storage. It’s just annoying to try to think about deleting stuff when I want to put something else a little bit more important.
Do not go 128GB. Biggest mistake I did was buy the 13 pro max in 128GB. Wasn’t planning on upgrading and still don’t but I used half my storage already and it’s bothering me lol. Might try to squeeze another year but we’ll see. I will never go under 256GB again in the future. I will probably go 512GB next phone.
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