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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2011
Trying to figure out what this is and why it started popping up when I got to many websites about a month ago. An example of a page that pops this up, is Apple's very own Mac Pro page. That's the only page I see it happening on so far (on Apple's site that is). It doesn't download anything, it just opens a windows that asks me if I want to go ahead with the installation, and if I say yes, then asks me for my password to install.

I don't think it's anything malicious since Apple's website is asking me to install it (ASSuming here), but not sure why it's not installed if it's something that important. Maybe it got uninstalled somehow previously?

Tried to do google search for DPSPInstaller, but didn't really get any hits.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2011
Yeah nothing referenced that installer and a lot of the hits it came back with were old and not from sources that I know, leaving me with the same questions I had.

Riot Nrrrd

macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2011
Lost Androideles
DivX Web Player

I just got prompted to open up an installer and the disc image was "DPSPInstaller". Inside was a "DWPInstaller" which, when run, looks like a DivX Web Player (thus the DWP bit) installer. Presumably ;)
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macrumors G3
Mar 26, 2008
West Suburban Boston Ma
I just prompted to open up an installer and the disc image was "DPSPInstaller". Inside was a "DWPInstaller" which, when run, looks like a DivX Web Player (thus the DWP bit) installer. Presumably ;)

I'd worry about that - video players sometimes include "codecs" that are actually malware. Where did you get the player? reputable source?

Riot Nrrrd

macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2011
Lost Androideles
I'd worry about that - video players sometimes include "codecs" that are actually malware. Where did you get the player? reputable source?

Don't remember. I was on some site and all of a sudden the popup appeared without Chrome having shown that it was downloading anything. I suppose there's a chance that the DivX installed version did it (via some auto-update mechanism) but I didn't take a chance - I closed it and went to the DivX site and downloaded the latest version and manually installed it. <shrug>
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