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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 25, 2009
Recently purchased dragon dictate 3, and have found it suits my needs. However I am looking for a suitable bluetooth headset to use with it. I was looking at the jawbone era or similar (model with 16khz capability). I wondered if anyone had any experience of it. Have searched on google and have seen some negative reviews. I wondered if anyone here had any actual experience? I do not want to drop £99 on a device that does not do what I specifically want it for.
Thanks for the reply, it is however specifically its functionality with respect to Dragon I am interested in. Apparently speech recognition software requires a broader frequency range in order to work at the optimum level, from what I understand most bluetooth headsets work over a much narrower range and hence have limited use for such software. The Jawbone era however has the broader range used for speech recognition (16khz vs 4khz).
bcburrows did you find what you were looking for? I used Dragon Dictate very successfully with a Logitech USB headset. In fact, DD got my text perfect first time on the training paragraph!
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