I'm currently drawing a detailed floorplan of my house in Illustrator (been a former FreeHand user, Illustrator is the closest at hand even though I never liked it).
Then I realized it's 2023, and there surely must be some better app for this today? Something that automatically shows measurements, placement of doors, etc etc.
I was an early adaptor of MagicPlan for iOS, but I have never been able to use it correctly. Probably because I rather work with my Mac than a tiny iPhone.
Therefore, the question is: What app should I use to create a detailed plan of my house?
Then I realized it's 2023, and there surely must be some better app for this today? Something that automatically shows measurements, placement of doors, etc etc.
I was an early adaptor of MagicPlan for iOS, but I have never been able to use it correctly. Probably because I rather work with my Mac than a tiny iPhone.
Therefore, the question is: What app should I use to create a detailed plan of my house?