Hi guys
On my mac pro 1,1 using Yosemite I have noticed that when I do a search using Safari the search bar leaves a drop down menu after clicking enter to proceed to the search even after I've pressed return. Only way to make it go away is if I click somewhere else in the now loaded safari webpage. This isn't something I've had to deal with in any of my other macs so I was hoping one of you would know what I should do to get rid of this annoying action.
On my mac pro 1,1 using Yosemite I have noticed that when I do a search using Safari the search bar leaves a drop down menu after clicking enter to proceed to the search even after I've pressed return. Only way to make it go away is if I click somewhere else in the now loaded safari webpage. This isn't something I've had to deal with in any of my other macs so I was hoping one of you would know what I should do to get rid of this annoying action.