As some of you may know, Dropbox has just announced they will be disabling the rendering of html files in the Public folder, meaning those of us who host web content from Dropbox are out of luck.
Personally, I used it to share simple web galleries created with Juicebox. Using the combo of Juicebox and Dropbox couldn't have been easier...drag and drop a folder of images into Juicebox, click "publish", navigate to the Dropbox public folder, save, then copy the public link of the Juicebox-created index.html file and share it.
Example here... II/index.html
Even if I paid for web hosting, what could be easier than what I described above? Is there anything free or dirt cheap that doesn't involve FTP, and doesn't show ads? Google drive is out. Amazon cloud is out. iCloud Drive out. Tried those. They don't render HTML.
Personally, I used it to share simple web galleries created with Juicebox. Using the combo of Juicebox and Dropbox couldn't have been easier...drag and drop a folder of images into Juicebox, click "publish", navigate to the Dropbox public folder, save, then copy the public link of the Juicebox-created index.html file and share it.
Example here... II/index.html
Even if I paid for web hosting, what could be easier than what I described above? Is there anything free or dirt cheap that doesn't involve FTP, and doesn't show ads? Google drive is out. Amazon cloud is out. iCloud Drive out. Tried those. They don't render HTML.