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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 27, 2013
On a new iPad Mini Retina w/IOS7, Dropbox v 3.0.2 crashes when attempting to open some (not all) PDF files. I created about 40 PDF files using the "Print >> Save as PDF" function in Safari on my iMac running OSX Mavericks. These are PDFs of web page articles to read later off-line. I created and saved about 40 of these in a DropBox folder on my iMac.

These files open fine on my wife's older iPad2 using Dropbox v 2.3.2. All of the files open correctly on my iMac. The problem is with Dropbox v 3.0.2 on the new iPad Mini Retina, as well as in the app "Documents" by Readdle on the iPad Mini Retina.

I uninstalled Dropbox from the iPad Mini, quit all apps, powered down, re-booted and re-installed Dropbox from the App Store. Same result. I re-created the PDF files and re-saved to Dropbox. Same result.

I had email support sessions with DropBox support over a period of two days and sent them links to my "good" and "bad" PDF files. They tested and informed me that there was a "bug" with Apple (meaning IOS7, I suppose) and that they reported it to Apple.

I contacted Apple Care. The first rep accessed my files through a link that I provided and confirmed the problem, but no solution yet. I'm waiting for a return call from Apple telephone support tomorrow.

Any ideas? Could it be some complication (maybe a hyperlink or other feature) present in some, but not all, of the PDF files that causes a problem with DropBox or with IOS 7? Remember, the files open OK in the older iPad2 with an older version of DropBox. Also remember that the same problem exists with Readdle Documents.

I'm stumped. Any thoughts?


macrumors newbie
Feb 10, 2014
Same problem

Same problem here...

I'm wondering if it's some type of pdf size limit?

I had a short, 1 page pdf and it opened no problem. I have a 47 page one that instantly crashes the app though.

see my next post for solution (that worked for me at least)
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macrumors newbie
Feb 10, 2014
I'm having the same problem...

here's a possible workaround... but I noticed a problem with one of my files doing it...

1. open dropbox app
2. find the file
3. slide it over to the right (this is on an iPhone 5... not sure about iPad)
-You'll have a few options (sending, star, move to folder, trash)-
4. in the send option, select "Copy Link"
5. Past link and open in Safari (had issues trying to open in some other browsers)

After it's open in safari, you have a few more options.

6. double tap the file when it's open in safari
7. tap "Open in..."

You can get the adobe reader app and open it in there.

Cool, my first post on here and for once I helped someone out lol


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Same problem here...

I'm wondering if it's some type of pdf size limit?

I had a short, 1 page pdf and it opened no problem. I have a 47 page one that instantly crashes the app though.

see my next post for solution (that worked for me at least)

I currently have a 5000 page pdf document that is 75megs and opens fine in dropbox. I don't think there is a limit, and if there is I have not found it yet. :D
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