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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 6, 2007

I am relatively new to the Mac. I have a Macbook Pro 2.2GHz. Today, a file keeps popping up on my desktop. It is named .DS_Store. The icon looks like a text document. I won't open it cuz I'm afraid of what it is, lol (Windows still clogging my brain). Anyway, I can drag it to the trash and delete the trash, but after a bit, it reappears.

Any idea how to get rid of it?
Are you showing Hidden Files? You shouldn't be seeing that.

But simply, no. Mac OS X stores a .DS_Store file in every folder on your Hard Drive. It uses this to store information about that folder. Once you get rid of it, all you're doing is reseting a few small setting and OS X will recreate a new file. They take up almost no space so there's no need, especially with your configuration.

But those files should be hidden.
It is an invisible file that is created by the finder, sort of like the thumbs.db thing on windows. For some reason it seems you have invisible files being shown on your computer.

To hide them open up Terminal in Utilites

copy and paste the following and press enter after each line

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles OFF

killall Finder
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Thanks guys!

You know what I did? I have TinkerTool installed to edit the dock look. I set the finder preferences to "Show Hidden and System Files"

Once I seen what was posted above about the hidden files, I knew what I had done!

THANKS! I appreciate the help!
It works!!!

It is an invisible file that is created by the finder, sort of like the thumbs.db thing on windows. For some reason it seems you have invisible files being shown on your computer.

To hide them open up Terminal in Utilites

copy and paste the following and press enter after each line

Thanks xUKHCx I had the same problem after upgrading to Leopard and then trying to copy my itunes library back from my iPhone - It was Bl**dy irritating. I was just about to try a full re-install.:D
.DS_Store problem

I tried to follow the directions you suggested to rid myself of the irritating .DS_Store on my iMac G5 and could not locate the right utility. Do I have to do something different to fix the problem on my computer?
Go to Applications-->Utility-->Terminal

Then type the commands xUKHCx provided.

I appreciate the help on getting the ds store icon off the desktop. I'm new to Mac and I'd say that was about the only annoyance I've had to date.

Thanks xUKHCx, Crispsting and alpaod - couldn't have done it without you! Or at least not this quickly and painlessly.
Sometimes when I download new software (Stanza - ebook reader this time) it automatically opens .DS_store file on startup and displays the mumbo jumbo. This is annoying me. Is there any way to have it not open the .DS_store file?

(Note: Stanza is not set to open on startup)
you guys rock

Thanks so much. these files drove me nuts. i knew it had to do something with TinkerTool but didn't know how to get rid of them. Thanks so much.:D
thank you thank you thank you

thank you xUKHCx
i have used this twice now!
im not NEW to macs, but i wouldnt say i know alot about them just yet.
my first one was a powerbook and i didnt do much but use it for normal
stuff, downloading, chat, porn lol
now i have a nice macbook(not pro) and i keep trying to maximize
my use and experience of it and i keep getting myself alittle over
my head it would seem.

i download this and something happens, i download that and nothing
happens. i just dont know what or who to trust.

well i just joined this forum and i intend on doing a good bit of reading
and learing b4 i get all willy nilly about trying new things with a $1300
paper weight!

im glad there are some people out there that dont mind helping out,
some would rather let you suffer. Id like to think us mac users are a
bit more "user friendly"!

i hope one day to know what im doing with this thing and be able to
help others maybe.

i know this thread is old and all, but still. had to say something!

i sure wont be installing anything new for a bit, even from apples
own page, where i found my newest blunder it would seem!

:apple: LOVE

It is an invisible file that is created by the finder, sort of like the thumbs.db thing on windows. For some reason it seems you have invisible files being shown on your computer.

To hide them open up Terminal in Utilites

copy and paste the following and press enter after each line

Brand new to Mac's, and that helped so much. Was annoying the hell out of me. Thank you.

I tried this and am glad that it's fixed. Thanks.

It is an invisible file that is created by the finder, sort of like the thumbs.db thing on windows. For some reason it seems you have invisible files being shown on your computer.

To hide them open up Terminal in Utilites

copy and paste the following and press enter after each line
Thanks a zillion

It is an invisible file that is created by the finder, sort of like the thumbs.db thing on windows. For some reason it seems you have invisible files being shown on your computer.

To hide them open up Terminal in Utilites

copy and paste the following and press enter after each line

Same as all here, this fix worked on brand new iMac.


Thanks OP! Like the others, wondering what triggered the invisible files ON. I am installing tons of stuff because of a new computer... I'm scanning with ClamXav now, just to be sure?

Thanks for a quick easy fix. Bookmark MacRumors, oh its already there. :D
pc crashed want to transfer ipod to Mac OS X

Hi there ,
Am brand new to Mac . My HP pc crashed and I cant get my library off it . I would like to transfer my ipod library off my ipod onto my Mac . I followed some stuff off macs and then I couldn't get past

Terminal Is Your Friend
Launch Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities/.

Type or copy/paste the following commands. Press the return key after you enter each line.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
Is there an easy way to do it ? :confused:
I can't get the ipod icon to stay on the screen and don't know what I should be doing ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated :eek:
It is an invisible file that is created by the finder, sort of like the thumbs.db thing on windows. For some reason it seems you have invisible files being shown on your computer.

To hide them open up Terminal in Utilites

copy and paste the following and press enter after each line

Thank you
I just had the same problem. I really appreciate the help in taking care of it!
Thanks for the info on what these files are, but why did they become UN-hidden after the last I-tunes/Safari update?
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