I've always wanted one and I found this box for 20 bucks off craigslist. A liquid cooled unit was what I was originally hunting for until I started reading about all of the leakage horror stories lol so this is my compromise. Anyhow, Like my QS, it had no APextreme and only 2gbram (4x512) so I got APE off eBay $6 shipped & maxed ram with 4gb DDR for 21 shipped. I have two 500gb Sata drives that I am swapping out the 160 it had with & am thinking a raid config will be fun and snappier. Also the optic drive while working sounds like ****, so I'm swapping that out with a new DVDRW lightscribe I have from a dea PC parts tear-down. Anyhow, I've ALWAYS wanted one (so damn sexy) so I'm happy to add it. It's just a little dusty so I'll be cleaning it out one of these weekends when I have some time.
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