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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 4, 2011
I ended up returning my XR since the size of the phone was just too big for me to use one handed. Watching movies on it was phenomenal but the majority of the time that I'm on my phone, I need to use it one handed like walking to work, driving and accessing Google Maps, navigating through the Music app to change songs while I'm on the move, etc. The 5% that I get to use the big screen is for watching movies when I have a chance to sit down on the train or bus or on the toilet. I decided that I was better off getting a size that was convenient for my 95% use than my 5% use.

Because of this, I decided to hang on to my iPhone 7 for one more year and get the next 5.8" iPhone X model that comes out next year. What apps or programs do you use where you need the giant screen? I'm just curious because I found that for things like email or Facebook or even photos, the bigger size didn't really do anything to enhance the experience for me, it just made everything 15% larger.
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Well, for me, larger size enhances the experience for all of your mentioned uses. I love bigger maps, bigger safari stuff, bigger photos. From the iPhone 5 and later, the device has become pretty much a two-handed affair anyway. When I use my wife's iPhone 7, I absolutely hate the now-tiny screen. Still, I'm glad you're going with what makes you happy. :)
I rarely use my 8+ for videos or games. I have less-than-perfect eyesight and I like being able to use slightly larger fonts and still have the display look reasonable. I have larger hands so the size isn't an issue. I really appreciate a larger screen for google maps navigation. Typing is also easier for me with a larger screen.
The 5% that I get to use the big screen is for watching movies when I have a chance to sit down on the train or bus or on the toilet.

TMI...though I'll bet almost everyone here has done it.

On topic: editing photos is far easier on a larger display.
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Great question. It actually got to the point where the 4in was too small, typing/touching mistakes all the time. You also get much more details also especially for media.
I too thought about getting the XR but for me it is simply too big. Like you I will use my 7 till next year then probably buy the newest one closest in size to the X. I am sure it will be more expensive than the Xr but I have a whole year to save.
The bigger phones are for older eyeballs that aren't as good as they used to be. Everything is bigger on a big iPhone. I used to have to always bring my glasses back in the iPhone 4 & 5 days to read the damn screen. Not any more with a plus.
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I use the largest display (6.5) like I would for any other phone that I have had, it’s just that I wanted a larger display because it’s easier to view more content, Especially with how good the cameras are on these iPhones, the photos look incredible on a larger display like the Max.
I ended up returning my XR since the size of the phone was just too big for me to use one handed. Watching movies on it was phenomenal but the majority of the time that I'm on my phone, I need to use it one handed like walking to work, driving and accessing Google Maps, navigating through the Music app to change songs while I'm on the move, etc. The 5% that I get to use the big screen is for watching movies when I have a chance to sit down on the train or bus or on the toilet. I decided that I was better off getting a size that was convenient for my 95% use than my 5% use.

Because of this, I decided to hang on to my iPhone 7 for one more year and get the next 5.8" iPhone X model that comes out next year. What apps or programs do you use where you need the giant screen? I'm just curious because I found that for things like email or Facebook or even photos, the bigger size didn't really do anything to enhance the experience for me, it just made everything 15% larger.

This is actually exactly why I preferred the iPhone 5 form factor over the 6, and held off until the iPhone 8 because I needed an upgrade at that point. I'm still not happy with the iPhone 8 for one handed use, so I know I'll be even less happy with an XR if I went that route next.
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