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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 15, 2008
Hi, I noticed a couple specks of dust under my iPhone 6 Plus rear camera lens. I saw it today while out in the bright sun. I've been keeping my phone in my front pocket. I haven't noticed any dark spots in my photos yet and took a couple test shots of a plain blue sky and didn't see anything. I had a spot I noticed on my iPhone 5 pictures when I first got that phone and when I saw this, I thought, not again. But so far, so good, no spots in my pictures but worry this will get worse. I tried to take a picture of the dust, but could only get the biggest one clearly. And yes, it is definitely under the lens. I took several angles to show it's not just a reflection. The last attachment shows the speck the clearest.

I also checked my wife's iPhone 6 and she has one speck under there too. She keeps hers in her purse.

Anyone else seen this yet?


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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The lens is sealed so it won't get worse. If its bothering you then take it back, but since you stated its not impacting the pictures you take. I'd say let it go and enjoy your phone :)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 15, 2008
I'm going to keep it and see what happens. Don't want to take it back so soon. So you're saying it is likely from during the manufacturing? I remember looking over the phone when I first got it and didn't see anything under the lens, so it might have shaken loose or something.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2012
Vancouver, Canada
My iPhone 5 lens has a cr^p load of dust under it. Started with one small speck then I guess started migrating. Hope my 6 doesn't have this problem


macrumors member
Oct 5, 2014
I have 2 specks of dust under the front while panel. Took me a while to get over it -.- I guess I could ask for an exchange but I cbb lol. Im so happy to be back with iOS and iPhone.


macrumors 68000
Aug 7, 2011
Columbus, OH
Can you see it in the pictures? (Take a pic of a white wall and see if you have some shaded orbs covering parts of the image). If you can't, don't worry about it. If the dust is close enough to the sensor to cause dust spots in the pictures (which do show as a shadowed circle), then take it to Apple and get them to fix or swap it.

I had a bunch of dust in my iPhone 5 camera (seemed to be a common problem), which towards the end of the first year started ruining photos. I took it back in the last week of warranty. They tried to blow the dust out, were unsuccessful, and gave me a new (refurb) iPhone 5.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 19, 2012
Same with mine, looks exactly like your pics. I have a genius appointment tomorrow to return the unit, it's 14 days tomorrow for a refund / exchange and I'm doubting they will have stock.. not sure whats going to happen.

Sadly you can't un-see these things. As a designer / photographer it will drive me nuts knowing it's there / is it interfering with photos etc.

My mates 6+ camera is clean as a whistle.

I felt almost guilty calling AppleCare but hey, after paying $1400 bucks you expect to not encounter such issues.

Exchange it while you can.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 15, 2008
Ya, I bought AppleCare+ and I'm out of the 14 day return window so I might as well just deal with it and see if it actually becomes a problem. I like the phone and camera and so far I can't see it. I will do some more clear blue sky tests since I'm on vacation in Hawaii. Bright sky should = smaller aperture = torture test for dust in/on lens.


macrumors newbie
Oct 15, 2014
Mine, i6 plus has some dust inside the lens as well, it does not affect to any pic. The rest of the phone is perfect, no issue and no nothing. I went to an apple store to check others, and some of them have as well some points of dust inside. If u realize, those mots of dust are viewed with a high or strong light, in normal environment are not seen. I only can see them with a strong light.
So im not going to worry about it. In case in the future cuases any problem, i will call apple.


macrumors member
Nov 14, 2013
I had this issue, too. Went to the Apple Store, they took it apart and blew out the lens, now I don't have any dust. Like you, I knew that it would bug me, so I wanted to get it fixed ASAP.


macrumors newbie
Oct 15, 2014
Tyler, can u explain how did they do it please? I am from spain, i may go to an apple store for they to do what you say. Can u explain me what they tell u snd what the did please? Thanks u in advance


I had this issue, too. Went to the Apple Store, they took it apart and blew out the lens, now I don't have any dust. Like you, I knew that it would bug me, so I wanted to get it fixed ASAP.

Tyler, can u explain how did they do it please? I am from spain, i may go to an apple store for they to do what you say. Can u explain me what they tell u snd what the did please? Thanks u in advance


macrumors 68000
Oct 25, 2013
Dust in the lens is ok, dust on the sensor not ok.

Try taking a pic of the blue sky on a sunny day, that will force a small aperture that will showcase any dust on the sensor as spots in the sky.


macrumors member
Nov 14, 2013
Tyler, can u explain how did they do it please? I am from spain, i may go to an apple store for they to do what you say. Can u explain me what they tell u snd what the did please? Thanks u in advance


Tyler, can u explain how did they do it please? I am from spain, i may go to an apple store for they to do what you say. Can u explain me what they tell u snd what the did please? Thanks u in advance

They told me they took it apart and the lens comes out from the outer glass. Then they blew the outer lens cover out and put it back together. The iPhone screen had a big suction cup mark on it, so I assume that's how they separate the screen from the back of the phone.

Sorry, I don't know any more because they took it in the back to do it.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 15, 2008
Ok guys, #dustgate is here...

I finally started noticing dust in the lens or on the sensor affecting my pictures! Here is a picture of a white ceiling.

I hate having to take my phone in to get it replaced and then having to deal with receiving a refurb.


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macrumors member
Nov 26, 2014
Ok guys, #dustgate is here...

I finally started noticing dust in the lens or on the sensor affecting my pictures! Here is a picture of a white ceiling.

I hate having to take my phone in to get it replaced and then having to deal with receiving a refurb.

You either get over it or take it back to Apple.

If I were you, I will choose the latter. I don't care if it is refurb as long as it is perfect.


macrumors newbie
Oct 15, 2014
For your infor, i took mine to an apple store last month, and they took it inside, they opened it and they took of the dust with compressed air. Now it is perfect.


Dec 8, 2009
Usually this kind of dust doesn't appear on photos at the apertures allowed by a camera phone.


Dust in the lens is ok, dust on the sensor not ok.

Try taking a pic of the blue sky on a sunny day, that will force a small aperture that will showcase any dust on the sensor as spots in the sky.

Correct. You need a very small aperture to see that.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2011
Happened on my iP6, Genius Bar swapped it with no questions asked. Bought on launch day so well outside the 14 days.


macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
If the particle of dust isn't effecting your pictures , no problem. If it is Apple Will swap it out.


macrumors member
Nov 2, 2013
I have this too! Its around 11 o' clock. So far it hasnt been affecting my pictures (knock on wood) but if it does, ill go on a trip to my local Apple store.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 15, 2008
So I finally went in to get it looked at by the genius bar. They took one look and gave authorization to replace...the camera! They checked to see if they had the camera module in stock and were going to take my phone apart to replace it. Luckily, it was not in stock and they gave me a white box replacement that was supposed to be brand new and not refurbished. What a hassle over all, but a good outcome.
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