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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
I have an early 2011 MacBook Pro which has video issues. It would randomly shut down and I get a grey screen when trying to boot. Here's a screen I typically get before it switches to all grey and just hangs:


Sometimes it will boot up normally, even on consecutive tries. Then it goes back to freezing. I have reset PRAM and SMC multiple times. Could this be the video card issue that led to the extended repair program? If so, it's limited to 4 years after purchase, so I suppose I'm out of luck.
It's likely the GPU Issue. Despite being out of the 4 year window it may be worth taking it to Apple. That said, keep in mind the Early 2011 15"/17" models go vintage/obsolete as of Dec 31st this year.
It's definitely a faulty GPU. However you're still covered:

It's covered until the end of December (31st) so you'll be fine! Either 4 years from purchase or Dec 31st, whichever provides longest coverage.
Thanks. I thought it was four years or December 31, whichever came first. Either way, sounds like it's worth going down to the Genius Bar, particularly if I have a good sob story. ;-)
I haven't had a chance to have the machine looked at, but I learned of a cool trick to bring it back to life, at least temporarily. With the MBP stuck on the grey screen and the fan running, I wrapped it in a heavy blanket and left it sitting upside down until it shut down from the high temp. I let it cool, pressed the power button, and presto! Since I started this thread 9 days ago I've only had to do this twice. By all accounts this is a stopgap measure, but in the meantime it's rather nice to have a working laptop again! ;-)

A quick question: Was there a specific GPU that was prone to failure, or was it all of the machines produced at the time? Here's what my system is running:

Screen Shot 2016-12-17 at 7.35.15 AM.png
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