Upgrading from a personal mid 2011 13" MBP and a work late 2013 15" rMBP.. need a new personal one as I'm probably going to be leaving the position soon.
In Canada and funds are not overly tight but still a consideration - so unsure if splurging on the latest and 'greatest' is worth it. There are quite a few people selling 2015 15" rMPB's on CL for ~2000 with active warranty until November '17; whereas a brand new 2016 15" tMBP will probably run me around $3500 + accessories + AppleCare.
What would you guys do?
In Canada and funds are not overly tight but still a consideration - so unsure if splurging on the latest and 'greatest' is worth it. There are quite a few people selling 2015 15" rMPB's on CL for ~2000 with active warranty until November '17; whereas a brand new 2016 15" tMBP will probably run me around $3500 + accessories + AppleCare.
What would you guys do?