yes, I am trying to to think of the best way to express it.
More background: I am working on a radio show, so there are talk tracks, plus songs. Usually I keep my spoken portions on track one, and tracks two and three are the music tracks, MP3s & AACs etc.
Am attaching two screen shots.
as you can see, in the first, I have:
three talk spots in track one
three songs in track two
four songs in track three
(let's ignore track four for now)
then I use MOVE AND DELETE to remove the first of the three talk breaks in track one
as expected, the talk break is gone, and everything has moved over to the left, in other words, moved forward in the program.
but the other two tracks are exactly the same, they have not been affected.
I understand that if I were to select and highlight everything going forward, then everything on all three tracks would move to the left.
But I am seeking a faster way of doing that ... I would have to select and highlight about 70 items - which would take a while! Each episode of this radio show includes about 60 songs and maybe 20 talk breaks.
AND - I guess this should be a separate question, I also need to figure out to ADD AND MOVE (in addition to MOVE AND DELETE)
I hope the question is more clear this time. I am working on it!
thanks again for the feedback, yes!