Ahh ha!! Some insight
I was wondering what all the fuss was about because I didn't notice any price drop - then it dawned on me. Apple used to have seperate pricing for students (facutly and staff inculded at same price point) and a different discount if you were ordering for your department (or the university in general).
The price differences on hardware used to be $100 of retail for students and $200 off retail for departments. Ordering as a department is nice to save an extra $100/machine but is a pain in the but to go through university purchasing to get a PO number.
I was very excited when I first noticed this because I was hoping it meant I could now order some items on my University credit card and skip the PO process. The only downside is my University credit card has a $1500/day limit meaning the new G5 would still have to go through the PO process. Still, having hopes I might be able to order software at the new prices I noticed something else. Apple did not extend the same discount to students as it did for departments. Example: Final Cut Pro ordering as a student is $399 upgrade or $499 new. Ordering for a department there is no upgrade, full version is $299. Oh well, just means I will have to check for prices differences item by item. I understand Apple's reasoning for this (to ensure items actually go to academic use) and do appreciate the discounts.
In the big picture this is great for students - and a good move for Apple relationship wise! If you normally buy as a department though don't be looking for any new price cuts on your invoice. Now lets just hope we get an updated 15" PB in the coming weeks for back to school.