I have my Apple primary email and then the NON REQUESTED @iCloud.com
I tried to deactivate it following the Apple suggestions but I still receive email there,
only spam and I wonder why, because I've never used it
No spam to my primary, only to the iCloud.com that shows in my Apple Account as an alias.
How to stop receiving emails just there ? How to delete it for good?
In iMessage and FaceTime it's so easy: unchecked that one
In Mail why can't do the same!?
I tried to deactivate it following the Apple suggestions but I still receive email there,
only spam and I wonder why, because I've never used it
No spam to my primary, only to the iCloud.com that shows in my Apple Account as an alias.
How to stop receiving emails just there ? How to delete it for good?
In iMessage and FaceTime it's so easy: unchecked that one
In Mail why can't do the same!?