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May 5, 2015
iPhone 6, 42 mm SS Apple Watch - When I receive email notifications on the watch, the phone notifications do not show up on the lock screen and there is no sound. The notifications are there if I turn the phone on. Everything goes back to normal if I disable the email notifications on the watch. Works fine for imessage notifications. Anyone else having this issue?
That is by design, as far as I can tell.

If you have the notifications set to mirror the phone, then the phone is essential in DNS mode when the watch is connected. If you choose custom for mail (or whatever), then you can configure them separately.

Why would you want them to show up on the phone if it is locked and the watch is connected? Seems redundant.
I have the same issue when doing the custom configuration. I don't want my watch "dinging" all day with email notifications but I do like to know when they come in by hearing the sound on my phone that's sitting in the other room.
If you don't want them on your watch, just disable the mail notifications on the watch?
I want the haptic feedback without sound on the watch with the regular notifications on the phone. That's exactly how it works with messages. I'm wondering why it's different with mail.
Then you have a bug because that's not how it should work for messages.

All notifications should go to the watch unless your phone is unlocked, then it will go to the phone instead, never to both.
Then you have a bug because that's not how it should work for messages.

All notifications should go to the watch unless your phone is unlocked, then it will go to the phone instead, never to both.

That's exactly what I was thinking.
I want the haptic feedback without sound on the watch with the regular notifications on the phone. That's exactly how it works with messages. I'm wondering why it's different with mail.

This is what I would like also.

My problem is that I have Sound set to 'off' for for many notifications on my phone, like Twitter; with sound on the bombardment would be annoying. I usually have my phone docked at my desk and like seeing the display turned on so I can view the notification, without it vibrating or making any noise.

However, when the watch is attached, the screen on the phone will not light up, nor will the Apple Watch make any noise or vibrations because it's mirroring the phone.

Any tips on how to remedy this?
I want the haptic feedback without sound on the watch with the regular notifications on the phone. That's exactly how it works with messages. I'm wondering why it's different with mail.

What you're seeing with messages is normal message behavior between devices. If you're not using any of your devices and a message comes in, it pings the phone first, and if you don't acknowledge it by interacting with it, it pings your other devices. With the watch, the watch gets the message first, and if you don't interact, it pings the other devices, including your phone. So what you're interpreting as the phone getting the same notification as the watch isn't what's happening - the phone is getting the "no response" notification.

If you get an email on your phone, that notification is for your phone only - it won't ping your other devices. The watch works the same way. If you've got notifications going to your watch, you won't get the phone ping, just the notification appearing when you interact with the phone. This is by design.

As the notifications go to your watch only when you're wearing it, there should be no reason you need to hear your phone get a notification also. Having the phone light up and vibrate or make a sound is just a battery waste.


This is what I would like also.

My problem is that I have Sound set to 'off' for for many notifications on my phone, like Twitter; with sound on the bombardment would be annoying. I usually have my phone docked at my desk and like seeing the display turned on so I can view the notification, without it vibrating or making any noise.

However, when the watch is attached, the screen on the phone will not light up, nor will the Apple Watch make any noise or vibrations because it's mirroring the phone.

Any tips on how to remedy this?

Turn off the watch notifications for those apps. Then they will only go to your phone and you'll get the behaviour you're used to.
Sorry for going slightly OT, but what happens when wrist detection is off?
Does the notification go to the phone and the watch both at once?
(Dont have watch yet to check)
This is what I would like also.

My problem is that I have Sound set to 'off' for for many notifications on my phone, like Twitter; with sound on the bombardment would be annoying. I usually have my phone docked at my desk and like seeing the display turned on so I can view the notification, without it vibrating or making any noise.

However, when the watch is attached, the screen on the phone will not light up, nor will the Apple Watch make any noise or vibrations because it's mirroring the phone.

Any tips on how to remedy this?

Ideally you'd be able to set custom alerts per app, but right now that only appears to be an option for a few native features (calendar, mail, notes, etc).

I've found that the Watch is essentially designed to replace your "phone docked at your desk" use case. I also had most of my notifications either disabled or muted to avoid being bombarded. But now I've turned them all back on. This works great since I'm always wearing my watch but I did fail to charge it one night and was very annoyed by my phone's constant dings until I recharged the watch.
Sorry for going slightly OT, but what happens when wrist detection is off?
Does the notification go to the phone and the watch both at once?
(Dont have watch yet to check)

Can anyone help me with my question?

Thanks :)
Not fully understanding why you can't or wouldn't want it on both. I have both on vibrate (or haptic) with so sound.

Benefits of notifications on iphone:
- Stronger vibration that is impossible to miss
- Ability to see most of the message on the large lock screen

Benefits of notification on watch:
- Quick less intrusive glance to see.
- Better for when in meetings or driving.

Why not have a clear option to have them on both...and when you dismiss it on one, it will be dismissed on all.
Not fully understanding why you can't or wouldn't want it on both. I have both on vibrate (or haptic) with so sound.

Benefits of notifications on iphone:
- Stronger vibration that is impossible to miss
- Ability to see most of the message on the large lock screen

Benefits of notification on watch:
- Quick less intrusive glance to see.
- Better for when in meetings or driving.

Why not have a clear option to have them on both...and when you dismiss it on one, it will be dismissed on all.

Currently, you DO get the notification on both - but the phone doesn't make a sound, vibrate, or light up. So you do get to see the message on the lock screen (assuming you haven't already dismissed it from your phone, as when you dismiss one, you dismiss all).

The main reason I like the current way is battery life. I've found that even with the watch connected to my phone all day long, I get better battery life on my phone because the screen isn't lighting up and the phone isn't vibrating on and off all day long.

If you want a stronger vibration that you won't miss, turn on prominent haptic.

Hopefully Apple will build in more customization options in the next release. I'd really like to be able to customize haptic taps so that I can tell texts from emails and such, and be able to target prominent haptic to things that are important to me.
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