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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 16, 2013
Ive had a yahoo email for years. Never had any problems with spam, at the most 5-6 messages whenever I checked.

Round about the the time yahoo revealed that they had been extensively hacked, I started to notice a spike in the spam
folder. Almost 300 + messages every couple of days.

I remember changing my password after an official prompt from yahoo. I even changed my OS from mountain lion to el capitan....fresh install.

Yesterday I went through the motions of an apple store purchase for iphoneX....just to see projected delivery date.
Never completed transaction or filled out any details.

Today I get an email on yahoo saying theres a problem with my purchase and asking to download a pdf...usual bullsit.

Now Im convinced something weird is going on.

Do you reckon my account has been somehow hacked? What steps can I try to reverse this?


A hack may have been the cause of the spam and someone may have just got hold of your address and not your p/w. Problem is, once you’re address is out there on spam lists there’s no way back.

You can use Spam Sieve which’s what I do, or change your address:( I get 30-40 spam a day!!
well the good news is that the 300 odd emails go to the spam folder which I then empty with one click.

Only 2-4 get into my inbox....but the sheer volume of the spam folder was concerning.

Does spam sieve work with yahoo mail accessed via safari or opera? I got the impression it only works with the apple email and outlook apps mainly.
I have exactly the same situation. Most probably our accounts were compromised when Yahoo Mail was hacked.
Yahoo Mail has a function of blocking e-mail addresses. Have been testing it for days. To be honest with you it does not work at all. So, the "one-click-delete" process remains the only solution.
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