**You need a PC or Mac to do this**
Download the EE Carrier File here
Download the Sprint Carrier File here
On Mac
* Quit out of iTunes
* Launch Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/
* Enter the following command at the prompt and then hit return:
* defaults write com.apple.iTunes carrier-testing -bool YES
* Relaunch iTunes
* Connect the iPhone to the computer
* Launch iTunes and hold the Option key while clicking on Check for Update to load an .ipcc file
* Select the .ipcc file to sync the .ipcc to the iOS device
* Disconnect the iOS device.
* Go to Settings, Phone and Turn on Wi-Fi Calls
* Turn on Airplane Mode, enable Wi-Fi and the status bar should change.
* Disable Airplane Mode and it is complete.
On Windows
* Quit out of iTunes
* From the command-line, run:
* "C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
* or, for 64-bit Windows systems:
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
* Nothing will appear to happen.
* Relaunch iTunes
* Connect the iPhone to the computer
* Launch iTunes and hold the Shift key while clicking on Check for Update to load an .ipcc file
* Select the .ipcc file to sync the .ipcc to the iOS device
* Disconnect the iOS device.
* Go to Settings, Phone and Turn on Wi-Fi Calls
* Turn on Airplane Mode, enable Wi-Fi and the status bar should change.
* Disable Airplane Mode and it is complete.
Download the EE Carrier File here
Download the Sprint Carrier File here
On Mac
* Quit out of iTunes
* Launch Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/
* Enter the following command at the prompt and then hit return:
* defaults write com.apple.iTunes carrier-testing -bool YES
* Relaunch iTunes
* Connect the iPhone to the computer
* Launch iTunes and hold the Option key while clicking on Check for Update to load an .ipcc file
* Select the .ipcc file to sync the .ipcc to the iOS device
* Disconnect the iOS device.
* Go to Settings, Phone and Turn on Wi-Fi Calls
* Turn on Airplane Mode, enable Wi-Fi and the status bar should change.
* Disable Airplane Mode and it is complete.
On Windows
* Quit out of iTunes
* From the command-line, run:
* "C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
* or, for 64-bit Windows systems:
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
* Nothing will appear to happen.
* Relaunch iTunes
* Connect the iPhone to the computer
* Launch iTunes and hold the Shift key while clicking on Check for Update to load an .ipcc file
* Select the .ipcc file to sync the .ipcc to the iOS device
* Disconnect the iOS device.
* Go to Settings, Phone and Turn on Wi-Fi Calls
* Turn on Airplane Mode, enable Wi-Fi and the status bar should change.
* Disable Airplane Mode and it is complete.