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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2005
i understand that deleting items in the cache folder is a good thing but what i don't understand is when i do delete the items in the ccache folder, and then reboot, those same items are back in the cache folder?

sup with that?

ps: just realized i'm no longer a newbie...holla.


macrumors 601
hkala said:
ps: just realized i'm no longer a newbie...holla.

Technically, you still are a newbie, just Newbies are being called "Crying Boy" due to some craz April Fool's thing the admin(s) are doing today.

Agreed though, try Onyx to erase the cache, though it depends on which cache if you are actually going to see any performance increase or something like that.


macrumors G5
hkala said:
reboot, those same items are back in the cache folder?
sup with that?

That's the nature of cache files and preference files. Programs need them to be able to run. So if you clean them out, the very first thing the program (or OS) does is to create a fresh one to use.

The point of deleting caches is not to make them gone, but to empty the contents of all the miscellaneous accumulated garbago that builds up over months.

It be like scrubbin' the barnacles off, lad. She sails better an' all with a clean hull. But ye don' be wanting to take off the planks along with those barnacles now, do ye?

Arr Matey,
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