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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 18, 2006
Hey, I have a strange problem but only in my company environment. I keep getting the same error message when connecting to the apple ID server (see screenshot).

This is very irritating since I can't connect to any service.

Questions would be is this a beta problem or something is blocked in my company environment? It worked before on Yosemite but they recently upgraded the network.

Any thoughts on this please?


  • Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 14.39.36.png
    Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 14.39.36.png
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I see that you are trying to sign in to iCloud.

You should find out if it is iCloud only, or any service using your Apple ID login.
Can you try using the Apple ID in the App Store, or iTunes, or even Messages?
I see that you are trying to sign in to iCloud.

You should find out if it is iCloud only, or any service using your Apple ID login.
Can you try using the Apple ID in the App Store, or iTunes, or even Messages?

I can't use anything anymore. iMessage wasn't working before but now nothing works anymore.
Hey, I have a strange problem but only in my company environment.
...Questions would be is this a beta problem or something is blocked in my company environment? It worked before on Yosemite but they recently upgraded the network.

Has your Apple ID worked at all since "they" upgraded the network?

Can you get any answers through the AppleID support page?
Has your Apple ID worked at all since "they" upgraded the network?

Can you get any answers through the AppleID support page?

Not at all anymore - wondering if they might have blocked a port or something like that but which port is AppleID using?

I raised a feedback in the feedback manager.
Hey, I have a strange problem but only in my company environment. I keep getting the same error message when connecting to the apple ID server (see screenshot).

This is very irritating since I can't connect to any service.

Questions would be is this a beta problem or something is blocked in my company environment? It worked before on Yosemite but they recently upgraded the network.

Any thoughts on this please?

I faced similar issue yesterday and this morning. El Capitan somehow initiates this question on needing the iCloud login. After authorising (password) it successfully continues and the questions does not come twice. It might have to do with this beta but I am not sure.
Can you still check with Yosemite if all is ok? That might give some better view on the issue.
Just requested a call with apple support. Will keep you updated.

So apparently the problem is that:
Apple ID server cannot parse through proxy server authentication

Anyone know what to do besides changing the firewall rule?
One method...
Talk to your IT folks about bypassing the proxy server. They may provide that, particularly if you can show that you need access to iCloud for your job.

Do you know anyone else in your company who works with a Mac?
Can they connect OK?
One method...
Talk to your IT folks about bypassing the proxy server. They may provide that, particularly if you can show that you need access to iCloud for your job.

Do you know anyone else in your company who works with a Mac?
Can they connect OK?

Spoke with IT folks already, they don't want to do it. :(
Well, it is the company that you choose to work for - and they can choose to limit what you do on the internet.

One possibility that might affect you is the ability to download updates, like security updates.
If you can't download a security update, you may have a good case for either bypassing the proxy server, or giving your IT folks an actual reason to make a change to the proxy server (probably just needs the relevant port open)
And, I suspect that you don't have many other fellow workers that use Macs, or you would hear about others with the same situation.
Well, it is the company that you choose to work for - and they can choose to limit what you do on the internet.

One possibility that might affect you is the ability to download updates, like security updates.
If you can't download a security update, you may have a good case for either bypassing the proxy server, or giving your IT folks an actual reason to make a change to the proxy server (probably just needs the relevant port open)
And, I suspect that you don't have many other fellow workers that use Macs, or you would hear about others with the same situation.

Good point, I used the same argument but didn't work :)

Well they are telling me that the ports are open but somehow iCloud doesn't use the proxy server settings under settings->network->proxies->automatic

Not sure what else to do.
Are you alone? - the only Mac user in your company?

They are all using parallels and VPN - I am the only native user. What about bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains under networks? Would this work? If yes, what do I need to enter.
I don't have any idea what those settings might be, because I know nothing about how your network is set up.

Your IT folks will know the answer (or, they just have no interest in helping you)
So, ask them again. If you get the same "answer" from IT, you may find that you also need to use Parallels and VPN.

You may want to ask those other Mac users how they get OS X security updates...
I don't have any idea what those settings might be, because I know nothing about how your network is set up.

Your IT folks will know the answer (or, they just have no interest in helping you)
So, ask them again. If you get the same "answer" from IT, you may find that you also need to use Parallels and VPN.

You may want to ask those other Mac users how they get OS X security updates...

Thanks for your help.

The most frustrating part is to realise that all google tools are working as designed and iCloud is giving me such a hard time.

Do you require iCloud to do your job?
Does the lack of access to iCloud affect your assigned duties?
If you can answer yes to either question, then you should be able to pursue this.
And, you shouldn't have to dig up your own answers to "fix" a problem that (in my perfect world :D ) your IT folks should be able to easily fix.
I did search around, and found this page which may be helpful to you...
That shows a list of ports that need to be open for iCloud services.
Do you require iCloud to do your job?
Does the lack of access to iCloud affect your assigned duties?
If you can answer yes to either question, then you should be able to pursue this.
And, you shouldn't have to dig up your own answers to "fix" a problem that (in my perfect world :D ) your IT folks should be able to easily fix.
I did search around, and found this page which may be helpful to you...
That shows a list of ports that need to be open for iCloud services.

THANKS - I found the same document earlier. Might send it to IT :)
I had the same problem logging into iCloud.

Previously, I was never able to login to use iMessage from my desktop Mac, but basically ignored the problem (used my iphone). After El Capitan, I was not able to access iTunes or iCloud at all.

I did notice that I was missing a serial number on my computer (from Finder, go to About This Mac). Somehow my serial number got wiped when I took my Mac in for a hard drive exchange (recalled under warranty).

This webpage showed me how to reinitialize the serial number (etched onto the footplate of the Mac chassis). It's moderate difficulty, but not impossible. The trickiest part was getting disk utility to actually burn the Blank Board Serializer to CD. After that, very simple and after restart, everything works!

Hope this helps anyone missing a serial number!
I have the same problem as well with El Capitan, but it's not the first time. I've had the "cannot log into server" error before. I had it with Snow Leopard. Mavericks didn't have it. I skipped the Yosemite upgrade. Now it's back again with El Capitan, so this is NOT a new problem. Couldn't sign in with iTunes OR Apps Store. Furthermore, I didn't always have it with El Cap. When I first bought my MacBook Pro it was fine. But at some point, not sure when, I lost the ability to log into iCloud.


The ONLY thing remotely resembling a solution I've found is just a bandaid, but it allowed me to connect to iCloud. Start up in Safe Mode (restart the computer holding down the SHIFT key until you start up). This turns everything off except your base system software. Open up iTunes/App Store, sign in, do your updates, downloads, installs or make your purchases. When you're through, restart the computer as you normally would. You will still have the same problem of not being able to sign in, but at least you got your housekeeping done.

This sucks, and I'm hating watching Tim Cook turn Apple, the greatest tech company in the world, into yet another greedy company that puts out crappy products for top dollar. I MISS STEVE JOBS!!!!!! And I hate what Tim Cook is doing to Apple's mobile products. If I'd wanted a Samsung, I would've bought one. Apple is supposed to innovate, not imitate.
I have the same problem as well with El Capitan, but it's not the first time. I've had the "cannot log into server" error before. I had it with Snow Leopard. Mavericks didn't have it. I skipped the Yosemite upgrade. Now it's back again with El Capitan, so this is NOT a new problem. Couldn't sign in with iTunes OR Apps Store. Furthermore, I didn't always have it with El Cap. When I first bought my MacBook Pro it was fine. But at some point, not sure when, I lost the ability to log into iCloud.


You said that you cannot login to your AppleID, unless you are in Safe boot mode.
Can you log in to your Apple ID when you are logged in to another account on your Mac?
Make a new user just for troubleshooting this issue. You can do that in your Users & Groups pref pane.
Be sure that the new account is an admin account (check the box: Allow user to administer this computer)
Log out of your present account and log in to the new user. Quickest step then would be to log in to either iTunes, or the App Store. You would have to login successfully to View your Account.
I like iTunes for this test, as the account quickly lets you see how many devices and computers that you have authorized.
You may see some kind of difference between "devices" and "computers", so look at that. You may find out that you still have some old devices that are still authorized, but that you no longer possess. You can even "deauthorize" all devices, then re-add the ones that you are certain about. Another choice would be to make sure that you are logged OUT of your AppleID, then log back in successfully a second time.

Or, maybe you just need to do some more checking on other software that you have installed that may be affecting your login to your AppleID.
When was the last time you checked for malware on your Mac? The software Malwarebytes is quite good that that, and only takes a few seconds to run.
Did anyone find what the issue was or how to fix it?
I been having the same issue for a few weeks,, I thought it was Sierra beta, so I clean my drive and downgraded to "'El Capitan" but I still having the same issue. I able to login with my old Macbook Pro, iPad and iPhone. Only the Macbook Air is having the issue,, it won't let me login to the App Store, iCloud, messanger or mail.
I have to check "handsoff" but I think the issue may be with keychain.
Any solutions?
Thank you
So, here's my mystery. I called Apple Support and we went through a bunch of testing. Discovered I can sign into my apple ID using either of my two other accounts, including one we set up called "New Test" this afternoon. I get in, no problem. But when I try to sign into anything OTHER than support ie iTunes, or App Store, I get "There is an error signing into the Apple Server."

No parental controls are on. There doesn't seem to be any issue regarding "Li'l Snitch" that lets me know when there is incoming/outgoing connections as this is cross platform and cross users.

So, any idea? I can actually LOG ON to another user, while the one that doesn't work is still logged in, and download, see purchases, see apps, etc.

It's got to be something really simple we are not seeing.
Any suggestions?
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