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Original poster
Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
My self perceived brilliance in computer geekology got me in trouble yet again. When am I going to learn this. I decided to add a ethernet switch to my system with a future NAS in mind. I purchased a Netgear GS308E 8 ports, managed etc. Yesterday joe genius (me) hooked it up. I have an eero wifi router but it only has 2 Ethernet ports, in and out. hooked it up decided since I had 8 ports let's use them. Big mistake. The first mistake I made was getting a managed switch, you need to configure them first, To my defence there was zero instructions in the box. No website listed to get such info. anyway with everything hooked up it seemed I was up and running. But I ran into a problem with My HomePod 2's they would not hook into my eero router, they would not stereo pair. I did a factory reset and still no joy. finally I did the tried and true troubleshooting move put everything back the way it was. The HomePod's paired both with the eero and with each other, I swear I could hear the Siri lady laughing at me. I simply do not know what happened. But I do know I did not have the drivers properly loaded for this Mac computer. I finally asked about it and was told an unmanaged switch with power via ethernet is what I should have purchased I not running a office so I don't need to manage anything. Fortunately this switch was not expensive so it will go into the computer hardware stash for future use.

People wonder why I have always called computers "evil demons from hell", with that said I will say this My Mac Studio is turning into a great "Demon Familiar".
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Original poster
Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
The Netgear GS308E managed Ethernet switch is going to one of my Nephews who has a machine shop full of CNC machines. I have ordered a Netgear GS108 8-port Gigabit Unmanaged Switch to replace it.

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Original poster
Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
If any of you need an ethernet switch Amazon has a sale going on Netgear switches. I picked up the GS108 for $34.49 a 37% discount. There are similar discounts on the other Netgear switches.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
When I "needed more ports", I just bought a "dumb" ethernet switch (which I will guess is "non-managed"). Cost about $15 at the time.

It worked from the get-go and has never needed any attention at all (TrendNet gigabit switch, which I guess is only 1gb).


macrumors 68040
Feb 10, 2008
I've had a few netgear switches, they don't build them like they used to. There is a good reason why they are so cheap. If you need 4 ports, make sure you buy one with 12 as after a year or two only 4 of the 12 will be working. Its a common gripe.

I've had great luck with Trendnet and Ubiquity brands, however. The $40 4 port nanoswitch is pretty much indestructible.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2002
Los Angeles
That "used to" goes way back. I had some that worked great, until something crapped out - AC wall wart or internal power - no idea which - where it'll get flakey and drop all connections. I got tired of unplugging and replugging them.

Now, Fry's (when they were still around) had a GS176T they were blowing out at one time and I picked one up. That thing is bulletproof. I haven't even looked at it for 8 years. Big difference between their consumer and non-consumer equipment.
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