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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 22, 2011
Update: I exchanged the phone today for a brand new one. The reason was for the rattling power button. I did not mention the dent.


I purchased a brand new iPhone 5s space gray at my local Apple Store on November 26.

When I got the phone, I noticed this dent in the bezel. I opened the phone at my house.
My apple store is pretty far away and I've been debating whether I should just live with it or not.

this issue has really been bothering me, knowing it's there.

I'm within the 30 day return policy.

Best possible scenario, I want my phone replaced.

I have a few questions about this situation.

1. Is this something worth exchanging the phone to get a new one? (Will Apple even let me do this?)

2. If I should go get a new one, do I make a genius bar appointment? Will I be getting a refurbished iPhone or a brand new one since I'm under the 30 day return policy? I'm a bit confused as to how this would work.

Here is a picture of the issue. (Sorry for quality, only camera I could find)
The picture makes it look worse than it actually is.


Thanks for the help.

I also forgot to mention that the power button is a little loose and rattles. This is effecting audio in the videos I record.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Dec 6, 2013
If it's bothering you that much, yes you could take it to Apple and get it exchanged. You are within your 30 days you don't need to make an appointment, and you will be getting a sealed new iPhone just make sure you take yours back in the original box with all the stuff that come with it in the box.


macrumors Westmere
Apr 16, 2008
At the iPhone hacks section.
It took you over 2 weeks to notice that?
You take a quick look around the phone and anyone could see it right away.
Off course everyone claims they never dropped their phone etc..
Bring it to Apple and see what they say I guess.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 22, 2011
It took you over 2 weeks to notice that?
You take a quick look around the phone and anyone could see it right away.
Off course everyone claims they never dropped their phone etc..
Bring it to Apple and see what they say I guess.

That's too obvious not to notice out of the box so it's definitely an unintentional user-inflicted damage.

No, I think I incorrectly described the situation(Sorry it's late here)

I noticed this when I opened the box at my own home.
(I did not open in Apple store.)

I've been debating whether or not to return it because it's such a small little detail, and my local Apple store is pretty far away.

The picture makes it look worse than it actually is.


macrumors member
Nov 21, 2013
It's a dent. Get over it. It's not a Ferrari or even a Porsche that you're worried about one dent. They won't exchange it. Save yourself the time and gas money.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 22, 2011
It's a dent. Get over it. It's not a Ferrari or even a Porsche that you're worried about one dent. They won't exchange it. Save yourself the time and gas money.

Thanks for the advice.

Well, if they're not willing to exchange it, couldn't I "want" a different color and exchange for a different color? And then I can exchange back to space gray at a later time? (No mentioning of dent)


macrumors member
Nov 21, 2013
Thanks for the advice.

Well, if they're not willing to exchange it, couldn't I "want" a different color and exchange for a different color? And then I can exchange back to space gray at a later time? (No mentioning of dent)

If it's really bothering you that much you can return then buy another since you're within 30 days. Or exchange might work better.


But all of that seems a bit excessive for a dent. No one will notice it. Your iPhone will work just as fast as all of the 10,000,000 others.


macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
No, I think I incorrectly described the situation(Sorry it's late here)

I noticed this when I opened the box at my own home.
(I did not open in Apple store.)

I've been debating whether or not to return it because it's such a small little detail, and my local Apple store is pretty far away.

The picture makes it look worse than it actually is.

So it was there from day one (two weeks ago) and it's only beginning to bother you in the last two days? Best you can do is return it and purchase a new one because you waited too long to exchange it.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 22, 2011
I also forgot to mention that the power button is a little loose and rattles. This is effecting audio in the videos I record.


macrumors member
Oct 23, 2011
I also forgot to mention that the power button is a little loose and rattles. This is effecting audio in the videos I record.

Yep. It's obvious now, I'd replace it if i were you even though it takes time.
You guys are lucky if you do live in The USA and Europe.
I live in Indonesia and the 5S aren't available yet and to add, replacing it would be a pain in the arse if we found any manufacturing defects.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 22, 2011
Update: I exchanged the phone today for a brand new one. The reason was for the rattling power button. I did not mention the dent.


macrumors regular
Oct 16, 2013
I want to exchange mine what are the chances it will be 7.0-7.0.6 rather than 7.1 or above
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