Tech giant Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said on Wednesday shipments of the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone are being delayed as the firm conducts additional quality control testing for the premium device.
"Shipments of the Galaxy Note 7 are being delayed due to additional tests being conducted for product quality," Samsung said in a statement to Reuters. The firm did not elaborate on what it is testing and to what markets shipments are being delayed.
Local media reports have said some users of the Galaxy Note 7, which launched in South Korea and other markets earlier this month, have claimed that the battery for their phones exploded.
Update from ZDNET:
Tech giant Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said on Wednesday shipments of the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone are being delayed as the firm conducts additional quality control testing for the premium device.
"Shipments of the Galaxy Note 7 are being delayed due to additional tests being conducted for product quality," Samsung said in a statement to Reuters. The firm did not elaborate on what it is testing and to what markets shipments are being delayed.
Local media reports have said some users of the Galaxy Note 7, which launched in South Korea and other markets earlier this month, have claimed that the battery for their phones exploded.
Samsung will recall Galaxy Note 7 handsets already sold to consumers in South Korea following incidents of the phone's battery exploding, local media is reporting.
According to Chosun Ilbo, the South Korean tech giant plans to recall around 400,000 Note 7 units sold in South Korea.
It halted shipments to local telcos on Wednesday following multiple reports of the exploding batteries in both Korea and abroad. Samsung previously confirmed it was doing more quality testing for the phones.
A source familiar with the matter told ZDNet that the firm will post a notice for consumers soon and that it has not been decided whether it will recall all Note 7 handsets sold or only the ones it deems affected by the defective parts.
According to Chosun Ilbo, the South Korean tech giant plans to recall around 400,000 Note 7 units sold in South Korea.
It halted shipments to local telcos on Wednesday following multiple reports of the exploding batteries in both Korea and abroad. Samsung previously confirmed it was doing more quality testing for the phones.
A source familiar with the matter told ZDNet that the firm will post a notice for consumers soon and that it has not been decided whether it will recall all Note 7 handsets sold or only the ones it deems affected by the defective parts.
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