I''ve been running a 2014 5k iMac and Lacie 2Big 6 TB. Since day one the Thunderbolt always kept disconnecting when I came back to the computer after leaving it overnight. I then moved to its USB3 connection and its been fine.
I now have a drobo 5C with USB C via USB dongle and its not been disconecting but the file system keeps getting corrupted. Drobo Tech said its strange but maybe has something to do with iMac going to sleep etc.
I've now set up the iMac to just dim the screen but keep internal hard drives running etc and both externals now seem to be working fine and no disconnects for a few days .
I have some questions though now..
1. Why would Thunderbolt give me disconnects but USB wouldn't?
2. Why is it not disconnecting Drobo but instead corrupting the file system.
3. The lace drive doesn't seem to go into stand by mode i.e. fans always on.. is this Normal?
I''ve been running a 2014 5k iMac and Lacie 2Big 6 TB. Since day one the Thunderbolt always kept disconnecting when I came back to the computer after leaving it overnight. I then moved to its USB3 connection and its been fine.
I now have a drobo 5C with USB C via USB dongle and its not been disconecting but the file system keeps getting corrupted. Drobo Tech said its strange but maybe has something to do with iMac going to sleep etc.
I've now set up the iMac to just dim the screen but keep internal hard drives running etc and both externals now seem to be working fine and no disconnects for a few days .
I have some questions though now..
1. Why would Thunderbolt give me disconnects but USB wouldn't?
2. Why is it not disconnecting Drobo but instead corrupting the file system.
3. The lace drive doesn't seem to go into stand by mode i.e. fans always on.. is this Normal?