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macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 14, 2008
Can stuffit expander extract 7zip files?
I have a 3 file download, clicking the first file extracts into a combined 7z file.
If I try to expand this combined file, it tells me the ‘structure of the archive is damaged’

Debating whether to get stuffit deluxe.
7zip website seems to recommend Keka. Though you can probably just download the source and compile it on the Mac. I left my MBP at home and I believe that is what I did (but take that with a grain of salt)...there are plenty of free options, ever since OS X Stuffit became bloated garbage, imho. Not like the in the pre-OS X days stuffit was useful.
Yes it’s on the app store.
I was put off unarchiver by some of the reviews!
Will ditto Keka. Been using that for quite a while to create 7z files.

Also have used The Unarchiver (in App Store) as well.
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