Hello everyone, Im new here and i have a little problem :/
I have a jailbroken iphone 5s with IOS 8.4! before the jailbreak i used to have 50-60% after a day of school. Now after the jailbreak i have 10-20% after a day of school. NO TWEAKS installed, just cydia! I dont know what could be causing this and ive tried to re-jailbreak 3 times and the sames results keep occurring. Ive ben testing the battery life in 1 week spans. so that means a week with stock IOS 8.4, then a week of jailbroken IOS 8.4. Every time i use the jailbroken IOS my phone uses sooooo much more battery. Everytime i use sock IOS i feel like im using a different phone because i have so much battery life. Some nights i also let my phone go all the way dead to make sure that the battery is actually empty and the battery % is working right(could be not calibrated after reset?). What could be causing this? and remember, i have absolutely no tweaks installed. NONE. I really wanna enjoy the awesome tweaks but before i wanna fix the battery issue! All the tweaks are no good if my phone is dead half the time!
I have a jailbroken iphone 5s with IOS 8.4! before the jailbreak i used to have 50-60% after a day of school. Now after the jailbreak i have 10-20% after a day of school. NO TWEAKS installed, just cydia! I dont know what could be causing this and ive tried to re-jailbreak 3 times and the sames results keep occurring. Ive ben testing the battery life in 1 week spans. so that means a week with stock IOS 8.4, then a week of jailbroken IOS 8.4. Every time i use the jailbroken IOS my phone uses sooooo much more battery. Everytime i use sock IOS i feel like im using a different phone because i have so much battery life. Some nights i also let my phone go all the way dead to make sure that the battery is actually empty and the battery % is working right(could be not calibrated after reset?). What could be causing this? and remember, i have absolutely no tweaks installed. NONE. I really wanna enjoy the awesome tweaks but before i wanna fix the battery issue! All the tweaks are no good if my phone is dead half the time!