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Feb 3, 2024
When I first calibrated, my new AVP, my tracking was perfect.

By the next morning,it was a little off. I noticed it, particularly on webpages, where there were links close together, I had trouble getting it to select the one I was looking at, it would skew to the one below.

So I recalibrated the tracking, and it worked perfectly. Until this morning. It was fine for the first hour or so, and then it drifted again.

So I recalibrated, and now it works perfectly again. I wonder if this will be a daily thing?
Yes. Same here. I am guessing it due to wearing of the headset is different every time and the eye positions shift ever so slightly.
It took me a few tries, but once I switched to the dual strap the eye/hand tracking improved significantly. I was having a lot of issues getting it perfectly aligned with the solo loop. Now it's my third day of using this and the eye tracking is pretty much perfect.

One thing I noticed when browsing websites with lots of small elements (like for example, the bell icon on being right next to the envelope). If you're having issues getting it perfectly aligned move the window closer to you or more straight ahead of your eyes and it will work much better.
I’ve been having to recalibrate a lot, but I keep switching bands and facial interfaces so I think it’s expected every time I adjust the fit. I feel like it’s slightly off but once I dial it in, I probably won’t have to touch it.
for me its not by day but every time i put it on i seem to have to recalibrate. kind of annoying, it isn't as accurate as I expected it to me. sometimes i have to purpose look a little off
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Noticing the same thing. I agree that I think it’s likely because of a slight misalignment compared to the last time I put it on/set up the eye tracking.
I have to do it every time I remove my optical inserts when I’m wearing contacts and vice versa when I put them back in and go from contacts back to glasses or I don’t have the kind of precise eye control I’m used to. I’ve also found that after a couple of days of use, which didn’t used to be the case prior to v1.1 and without having inserted or removed the optical inserts, that I still need to go in and do it to get the most precise UI control possible.

Edit …..

It literally just happened again after I posted this. I found I couldn’t select the top two favorites on the left hand side of the Safari window. When I went to re-calibrate I got a message telling me I needed to pull the Vision Pro down my face more before it would let me re-calibrate and now that I think about it I’m sure I’ve seen that one or twice before.

Perhaps when I’m putting the device on I’m not pulling it far enough down my face and it’s riding a bit high on my cheeks. I’ll try consciously pulling it down more than I have been when I put the device on and see if I continue to have issues as I’ll also get the notification from time to time that I need to pull the device down but will do it on the spot and then it goes away. This time I didn’t get it until I actually tried to re-do the eye and hand setup. I’m wondering if there’s something going on there that’s causing this behavior.
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If it's not sitting on my face exactly the same way, I'll recalibrate to improve tracking. If I manage to get it exactly the same way, seems to hold.

I'm going to try a different size light shield and see if it helps me get it set the right way (and hopefully moves my eyes a little closer to the displays, too).
I've found eye tracking varies greatly even with minimal position changes. There are times when I can't maintain focus on a control long enough to activate it, but it's inconsistent. The worst case is the pop-up that asks if I want to turn on Travel Mode, which is sometimes almost impossible to cancel. I hope Apple finds a way to improve this functionality in a visionOS update.
If it's not sitting on my face exactly the same way, I'll recalibrate to improve tracking. If I manage to get it exactly the same way, seems to hold.

I'm going to try a different size light shield and see if it helps me get it set the right way (and hopefully moves my eyes a little closer to the displays, too).
Are you going to do this at an Apple Store, as opposed to buying a light shield you think might work better for you? That's what I've wanted to do, but haven't found the time.

EDIT: I see from your post in the Glare thread that you have another shield coming in. How did you pick the size?
Are you going to do this at an Apple Store, as opposed to buying a light shield you think might work better for you? That's what I've wanted to do, but haven't found the time.

EDIT: I see from your post in the Glare thread that you have another shield coming in. How did you pick the size?
I went through the fit adjustment website. If it doesn’t fit well, I’ll send it back.
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WHen i got my Vision Pro I calibratedthe eyes once and they worked for 6 weeks Perfectly fine through 3 light seal changes, various positions on my face and even with no light seal…now i suddenly have to reset every time i use it and it doesn’t even always help. This is making me nervous. started this past week. I dunno if its 1.1 or what.
It's been a week or so since my last calibration, and it's still rock solid.
I had to do it after installing yesterday’s latest beta but haven’t had to since and have used it for several hours yesterday and today. When I put it back on today the UI was as responsive as it was right after I last re-calibrated it and normally I’ll start to notice things begin to get a little harder to select with my eyes after a day and it gets worse from there. Sometimes it gets worse quite quickly other times I can squeeze out another day or so before it’s so bad I have to recalibrate. Fingers crossed it stays this way tomorrow and Friday as well because if Friday night rolls around and it’s still this snappy that’ll be the longest streak I’ve had since the 1.1 beta when it started to be an issue for me. Right now I can highlight every single button that appears above the comments to adjust the font, the paragraph indent, etc. Normally, since that beta, after a day that stops being so easy to do. Right now even after having it one for about an hour and a half, then stepping outside for 30 minutes, then putting it back on it’s still just as snappy. 🤞
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I went into accessibility and changed it to track just my right eye. Not sure why the tracking was always off. Maybe my eyes don't move together quite well enough. It seems to work better. We'll see.
So far so good with the latest beta!!! It can’t remember ever going this many days without having to recalibrate or feeling that it’s heading that way since the problems first began. Whatever it was that was causing it in my case there’s no doubt in my mind at this point that Apple has finally fixed it. I can still look at every part of the UI above where I’m typing these comments and watch them highlight just like they did when I first got the device prior to installing the first beta with the issue.
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