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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 22, 2002
New Hampshire
I have a 2019 iMac 27 inch running macOS 10.15.7. FB takes forever to load. On my 2019 MBP, same OS, and on my iPhone and iPad, FB loads quickly. It doesn't matter if I use Firefox or Safari on the iMac, speed is very slow. I do not have an adblocker on, nor are any anti-virus programs running.

Can people suggest what I should try? TIA.

I mean, the half-serious half-joking answer is “stop using Facebook”.

That aside, I assume other websites work perfectly fine and fast?
Does Activity Monitor show unusual CPU, Memory or Networking activity when trying to load the page?

Have you tried clearing caches, logging out of Facebook and logging back in?

How quickly does the command
1. This is the only site where this happens.
2. I cleared cache and rebooted - no difference
3. Activity monitor - the only thing that shows high is "idle wake ups" but I don't think tht ameans anything.
4. It took 16 ms to find facebook
1. This is the only site where this happens.
2. I cleared cache and rebooted - no difference
3. Activity monitor - the only thing that shows high is "idle wake ups" but I don't think tht ameans anything.
4. It took 16 ms to find facebook

Interesting results. Idle Wake Ups shouldn't be an issue, no.
16ms is perfectly reasonable. This suggests it is not a DNS issue and the issue is in the actual communication with the server or perhaps page rendering though that would be odd too.
Let's try and see if you can get a basic response from the Facebook server fast on a system level.

Try sending it a basic, empty get request and see if it replies with an HTML page
nc 80

If it pretty much immediately spits a lot of text back, the system as a whole has fast communication with the Facebook servers as a whole - not necessarily your logged in profile, but at least the connection can be established and basic HTTP sent back and forth.

You're not using a VPN are you?
This is what I got immediately after pressing return after entering nc

nc: missing hostname and port
usage: nc [-46AacCDdEFhklMnOortUuvz] [-K tc] [-b boundif] [-i interval] [-p source_port]
[--apple-recv-anyif] [--apple-awdl-unres]
[--apple-boundif ifbound]
[--apple-no-cellular] [--apple-no-expensive]
[--apple-no-flowadv] [--apple-tcp-timeout conntimo]
[--apple-tcp-keepalive keepidle] [--apple-tcp-keepintvl keepintvl]
[--apple-tcp-keepcnt keepcnt] [--apple-tclass tclass]
[--tcp-adp-rtimo num_probes] [--apple-initcoproc-allow]
[--apple-tcp-adp-wtimo num_probes]
[--setsockopt-later] [--apple-no-connectx]
[--apple-delegate-pid pid] [--apple-delegate-uuid uuid]
[--apple-kao] [--apple-ext-bk-idle]
[--apple-netsvctype svc] [---apple-nowakefromsleep]
[--apple-notify-ack] [--apple-sockev]
[--apple-tos tos] [--apple-tos-cmsg]
[-s source_ip_address] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_version]
[-x proxy_address[:port]] [hostname] [port]
Any news here? I am having a similar issue on my iMac 27" 2011. Even if my iMac is old, I have upgarded the RAM to 16GB and the HD to a SAMSUNG pro SSD and all was fine untill Big Sure came along.

When I type in Facebook Messenger on any of the Browsers (Safari, Chrome or Firefox) the keyboard is laggy and sometimes it takes 10! seconds to response my typing. Maybe someone knows what the issue is?
Same here, Macbook Pro 2014, osX, It's been growing heavy gradually over last half year. Just the facebook website, is very heavy on my system, almost impossible to open more than a couple of facebook pages in the browser. It gets extremely laggy if I get messages on messenger, and worse if multiple chats. Checking notifications and new messages retrieves them after a few attempts. And macbook cooler starts spinning insane, meaning it pushes processor/gpu heavily. Its not the problem in the computer - it has something to do with the scripts they run on their website. New interractive web should be easy to handle by my computer, as it does with every other site out there. My question is why is there so little complaining out there online about this stuff.
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same here, on a MBP 2015 with Mojave, ONLY on facebook and messenger and only since the new site was launched
it takes ages to load and all three browsers i've tried with (firefox, opera, safari) are becoming extremely slow or totally unresponsive
it may be totally unrelated but it became much worst around the same time flash was officially abandoned
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