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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Feb 20, 2009
How to obliterate "Facetime"?

Hello all ...

My hardware/software:
2018 Mini
OS 10.14.6 Mojave

My problem:
Every time I log in, I get this:
Screen Shot 2023-03-19 at 6.17.50 PM.jpg

I have never used Facetime.
I don't want to use Facetime.
I will never use Facetime, ever.
So I don't want to see this.

Yet... that keeps popping up.
I've gone so far as to boot from an external drive and DELETE every file with "facetime" in the name (there were quite a few).
I've even deleted the Facetime application from the OS.

But still, this dialog insists on appearing.
I'm wondering if it's related to some "launch daemon" or "launch agent" that I don't know about?
If so, can it be removed or otherwise incapacitated?
If so, how?
From the message “The password for … needs to be updated” I suspect you have, by accident, signed into FaceTime at one point.
Sign out of your Apple ID, try to search for FaceTime in the Keychain app and delete anything found.

An article from 2019 "How to Turn Off FaceTime on Mac"
"Pull down the “FaceTime” menu and choose “Turn FaceTime Off”
I've gone so far as to boot from an external drive and DELETE every file with "facetime" in the name (there were quite a few).
I've even deleted the Facetime application from the OS.

I would reinstall MacOS if I were you.
What I did...

As mentioned in my OP, there is no longer a "Facetime" app to open -- I've deleted it, along with EVERY OTHER FILE that previously existed on the Mac with the word "facetime" in it.
(yes, you CAN get rid of Apple-installed apps if you wish).

But I was still getting the "sign in" alert.

What I did that might have resolved the problem (don't know yet)...

I tried to log into my Apple ID, and got a message that my account had been locked due to a suspected unauthorized login.

So, I went through Apple's procedure to unlock and restore it. Worked ok.

Then, the NEXT time I got the "facetime alert" (as in OP), I entered my Apple ID.

Rebooted -- no alert.

I once again used "EasyFind" to search the entire drive to see what "new" files (if any) were created. I did find one facetime ".plist" file.

So... I did a "get info" on the .plist file, and "locked" it.

This morning, Mac booted up without the alert.

So... will see how this goes.
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