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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 22, 2014

Fallout 3 has been available as a Wineskin port for over 5 years however the performance has been sub par and it hasn't been the easiest game to install. With many advances in Wine and CrossOver source codes over the last 12 months performance has increased to a nearly native performance when played on proper hardware (2011 and above). In fact, WineHQ now has Fallout 3 rated within the top 3 Gold rated installs.

There is now a recently updated wrapper available at the Porting Team database for anyone that may be interested in playing Fallout 3 on their Mac. A concise set of installation instructions are also available at the link below and are included in an .rtf file located on the downloaded disk image.

This wrapper was tested on a 2011 MBP Core i7 @ 2.2GHz with RadeonHD 6750M, 512MB and 16GB of RAM

Performance depends on your system hardware but can be played quite nicely on a 2009 MacBook with nVidea graphics as well. Advanced settings should be configured according to the hardware it is being installed upon.

The wrapper only supports Mac OS X 10.6.8 and above

Download the wrapper from the database entry located here:
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Thanks for this pointer, may try it one day but quite happy with running it under Bootcamp at the moment.
It would be an easy test if you were to drag and drop the folder on the downloaded disk image to your preferred gaming folder.

Right click on and navigate to Contents/Resources/drive_c/Program File/Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition/Data

Then navigate to your Bootcamp partition on Mac OS X and drag and drop the contents of your installed data folder to the wrapper's data folder.

Close the the windows and then launch if you have no mods installed or if you do have mods installed that require the Fallout 3 Script Extender.

Good luck when you do give it a shot.
ps...I forgot to mention to move your Fallout3 saves and .ini folder from you Bootcamp partition...most likely located at Users/Your User Name/Documents/My Games/ Fallout3/

Drag and Drop it to your Mac OS X side @ Home/Your User Name/Documents/My Games/

If you don't have a My Games folder, simply create one and drop the Fallout3 folder there.
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Hey, thanks for that information, silly question maybe but can a controller be used as this is my preferred
method of gameplay ? I ask because I have Skyrim in a wrapper and it has controller support.
A concise set of installation instructions are also available at the link below and are included in an .rtf file located on the downloaded disk image.
Installation Instructions:
Mount the Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition disk image
Drag and drop the Fallout.3 folder to your preferred gaming folder
Open the Fallout.3 folder
Extract the portinstaller.7z using or similar application
Mount your Fallout 3 retail or .iso disk image and verify it is being read by your computer
Double click the port and choose Install Software
Navigate through the installation process just as you would on native Windows
Once the process is complete re-open the Fallout.3 folder
Right click on and choose show package contents
Navigate to Contents > Resources > drive_c > Program Files > Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition > Data
Open a new Finder window and right click on the Port
Navigate to Contents > Resources > drive_c > Program Files > Your Fallout 3 Main Directory > Data
Drag and drop the entire contents of Your Fallout 3 Main Directory > Data into the Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition > Data folder that was opened 3 steps ago
Close the Finder window

Right click on the and choose Show Package Contents
Double click on the located directly inside the app and choose Install Software
Navigate to your Fallout.3 > Post Install Files and select Updated_Unofficial_Fallout3_Patch-19122-1-8.exe
Navigate through the installation process just as you would on native Windows

Open the Fallout.3 folder and double click on symlinked
When Fallout 3 launches click OK to allow the game to detect system settings
Click on Data Files to verify that any of the DLC’s or Mods are enabled
Go back and click on play to allow Fallout 3 to create the .ini files required to run the game
Once the game has loaded to the main menu you can choose to play without any mods and continue from here into the Wasteland.
I have seen shorter installation instructions for UNIX applications that have to be compiled first…
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haha...yeah...well after 5 years of hearing the same questions over and over from new forum users I try to make it impossible for them to screw it up.
Hey, thanks for that information, silly question maybe but can a controller be used as this is my preferred
method of gameplay ? I ask because I have Skyrim in a wrapper and it has controller support.

I've never tried playing this port with a controller. I'm a keyboard mouse kind of guy but it seems like having a controller would be beneficial to the quality of the port. Have you tried plugging it in? I know CX Source has winMM support although I have no idea if this is what Fallout 3 accesses for it's input.

Here's another alternative...explained for Ubuntu but you should get the just of it...
Updating a very old thread here, but maybe it might be useful to some in the community who are still playing an outdated wrapper version with Fallout 3.

This update includes two wrappers. The first is configured to run the Vanilla version of Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition. The second is configured to run the same version but is completely set up to start modding the game.

Both wrappers utilize Wineskin 2.6.2 (OSX 10.6 to 10.11) with the Wine Staging 1.9.1 engine. Staging features are enabled. The engine was compiled and built into a wswine.bundle using Wineskin Winery and To try the wrappers with the features disabled use Wineskin > Advanced > Tools > WineCfg > Staging and uncheck all available options.

The Mod ready version has separate launchers for each respective utility necessary to mod the game correctly.

Full community support for this available here:

Now with less install instructions! :)

I'm also currently working on a wrapper that will include support for the up to date Fallout 3 Mod Organizer which basically makes the the two extra utilities unnecessary.
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Yes, will work with the Steam version. There are installation instructions in the description concerning a Steam install.

Steam Installation Instructions:
Mount the downloaded disk image
Drag and drop the app to your preferred gaming folder
Right click and choose show package contents
Click on Advanced > Tools > Winetricks
Click on update Winetricks in the lower left hand corner
Scroll down in the apps drop down list and choose Steam
Click on the Run button and launch the Steam process
After Steam has completed loading sign in and download the game
Launch the game using Steam
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I tried to get this to work with not much luck. Got as far as detecting hardware to optimize game and returned a "serious problem" and needs to close. Installed Wineskin. Instruction are unclear what else needs to be installed, though maybe I'm just blind?
It's possible that you may need to replace the cracked binaries in the Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition folder. This is due to Wine's copy protection limitations. This issue is not present in the Steam version as VAC (Steam copy protection so to speak) is compatible with Wine.

Fallout 3 has been available as a Wineskin port for over 5 years however the performance has been sub par and it hasn't been the easiest game to install. With many advances in Wine and CrossOver source codes over the last 12 months performance has increased to a nearly native performance when played on proper hardware (2011 and above). In fact, WineHQ now has Fallout 3 rated within the top 3 Gold rated installs.

There is now a recently updated wrapper available at the Porting Team database for anyone that may be interested in playing Fallout 3 on their Mac. A concise set of installation instructions are also available at the link below and are included in an .rtf file located on the downloaded disk image.

This wrapper was tested on a 2011 MBP Core i7 @ 2.2GHz with RadeonHD 6750M, 512MB and 16GB of RAM

Performance depends on your system hardware but can be played quite nicely on a 2009 MacBook with nVidea graphics as well. Advanced settings should be configured according to the hardware it is being installed upon.

The wrapper only supports Mac OS X 10.6.8 and above

Download the wrapper from the database entry located here:
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Hey thanks for this pointer :)
Sorry, I was trying out that new Invisible Man emoji.
Actually, I'm having a problem installing/playing fallout 3 goty on my mac via steam.
A little back story:
A few years back I was new to laptop gaming. I purchased fallout through steam not knowing it wasn't for Mac. Fast forward to now, it has sat in my library mocking me. So I finally decided to do something about it. I found a website that guided me to install wine via terminal.
To be completely honest, I have no idea what I'm doing.
I got as far as installing steam, then downloading fallout. Once I opened the game all the menu screens worked, but then I began a game and it immediately froze. I restarted the computer but now have no idea how to get back to steam and fallout.
My apologies for my complete lack of knowledge in this realm.
Any help to advise me on how to get back in and play this damn game is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The problem with these "ports" is that they never work. Thanks for getting my hopes up and dashing them again. :(
The problem with these "ports" is that they never work. Thanks for getting my hopes up and dashing them again. :(

Fallout 3 one does work I used to run it, and this is the updated version/versions of that. Sure some take some setting up, but get that bit right and all should be OK.

Fallout 3 was never a stable game even on the PC, crashing all over the place unless measures where taken to assist stabilizing it.

I have run and do run lots of windows games in Wrappers they work some better than others, but to say they never work is a big claim. You do need in a lot of cases quite a beefy machine as in better than bog standard.

Ones I do and have played OK in WINE or CIDER wrappers to name a few.

Fallout 3
Oblivion GOTY
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind GOTY
Never Winter Nights
Never Winter Nights 2
Two Worlds Epic Edition
Grim Dawn
Path of Exile
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Sorry, I was trying out that new Invisible Man emoji.
Actually, I'm having a problem installing/playing fallout 3 goty on my mac via steam.
A little back story:
A few years back I was new to laptop gaming. I purchased fallout through steam not knowing it wasn't for Mac. Fast forward to now, it has sat in my library mocking me. So I finally decided to do something about it. I found a website that guided me to install wine via terminal.
To be completely honest, I have no idea what I'm doing.
I got as far as installing steam, then downloading fallout. Once I opened the game all the menu screens worked, but then I began a game and it immediately froze. I restarted the computer but now have no idea how to get back to steam and fallout.
My apologies for my complete lack of knowledge in this realm.
Any help to advise me on how to get back in and play this damn game is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

By the sounds of it you will need to back track quite a bit and completely uninstall the Wine that you currently have installed. The wrapper above consists of Wineskin which has it's own self contained version of Wine. If you have another version installed onto your computer it could cause issues with the Wineskin wrapper, potentially.

If I'm not mistaken the Fallout 3 game files would be installed into a hidden directory which would be why you cannot locate them. I cannot give you advice on command line Wine as that is totally foreign to me. I've always use the Wineskin front end for it. If you do manage to continue with the command line wine, I would suggest you launch Winetricks and install d3d9 and xact_2010.

However if you do un-install all of it you can grab my wrapper from the link in the first post. I've just updated it to support A Tale of Two Wastelands which is a mod that implements Fallout 3 GOTY into the Fallout New Vegas engine which was far more stable.
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