Hi All! Just got back from the cardiologist today and thought I'd pass on some information. Since the ECG update I've had many results come back as Afib. Was on a two week heart monitor (trying to figure out my SVT episodes) while the update came out so I was able to record my clicking the event button during the times I felt off and watch came back as Afib.
Turns out NONE of the episodes the watch was flagging as Afib were just that. I have a very pronounced Sinus Arrhythmia that was triggering the watch ECG to read it as Afib. So glad I can quit freaking out now (I'm only 34). Good to get those things checked out anyway though.
Turns out NONE of the episodes the watch was flagging as Afib were just that. I have a very pronounced Sinus Arrhythmia that was triggering the watch ECG to read it as Afib. So glad I can quit freaking out now (I'm only 34). Good to get those things checked out anyway though.