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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 2, 2008
Anyone else seeing this?

Why is the iTunes store prompting app updates for apps that haven't been revised, or had their versions bumped for 2 years?

Is there a yet to be revealed legitimate reason for this to be happening, or is Apple giving users another reason not to trust iOS app management to them?
I've also seen an odd behaviour for one of my apps (this one) on the 18th of November '17 and it indicated then (and still does) in the App Store on my iDevice last updated 24th November '15
It's really odd. I haven't seen that before.
I now have more than forty of these apps in my update queue.

Support is useless and tried to pawn it off on the developers.

Right. At least developers forty reissued the same versions of their apps within the span of a week. Uh-huh.
I also see more and more of these fake updates which were updated ages ago but they appear in the update list of the recent weeks/days. It seems like a serious bug in the App Store.
I have seen loads of these and was confused.

I have seen a couple of apps state that "This update is signed with Apple's latest signing certificate. No new features are added"
Apple Support refuses to acknowledge this is a problem, denies responsibility, and claims it is a developer problem.

Their suggestion was to -- seriously -- use the Feedback page.

One developer has said they have experienced it themselves, and have no knowledge why Apple is reissuing these apps unilaterally, without any prompting on their part. Nor do they have any control over it.

I've been an Apple user for longer than I care to remember, and I don't want to complain or criticize the company just to do so, which is common here.

However, in terms of its attitude, product quality, and other actions, Apple has now become the company that the Faithful pilloried Microsoft for being back in the 90s, when it was the big bully, and didn't have to care about the quality of its work or how it treated customers.
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Gruber has now taken note of this, and linked to a developer's investigation as to what's going on.

In short, nobody knows, and the one party that might can't be bothered to inform anyone.
Here we go again?

I’ve suddenly got a spate of updates listed with the same “This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate”

And if you look at the details; the version history has been effectively bypassed. For example; current entry for Parrot FreeFlight - version 2.4.22, 4 yrs ago. Added ios9 compatibility...

I assume Apple never bothered to either explain or fix what caused this previously?
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