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macrumors 601
Original poster
Nov 5, 2007
I've had the Family Purchase Sharing Update with a notice indication for weeks now. I do have a family share set up with my wife and we share things like Apple One. Pretty normal stuff as I'm the Apple guy who subscribed to Apple One and I shared it to her. But neither of us have any interest in designating a shared credit card for purchases that we individually do through Apple Pay. I use my credit card, she uses her credit card. I'm confused what is going on here. But ignoring this notice indication doesn't result in the notice indication going away. I feel like I'm missing something.

Edit: And it went away right after I wrote this. Maybe I had to click through and read something on the next step. But I don't think I turned it on. And now the notice indication is gone.
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macrumors newbie
Mar 23, 2023
I've had the Family Purchase Sharing Update with a notice indication for weeks now. I do have a family share set up with my wife and we share things like Apple One. Pretty normal stuff as I'm the Apple guy who subscribed to Apple One and I shared it to her. But neither of us have any interest in designating a shared credit card for purchases that we individually do through Apple Pay. I use my credit card, she uses her credit card. I'm confused what is going on here. But ignoring this notice indication doesn't result in the notice indication going away. I feel like I'm missing something.

Edit: And it went away right after I wrote this. Maybe I had to click through and read something on the next step. But I don't think I turned it on. And now the notice indication is gone.
Agree 100%, unclear why more people aren’t complaining about this horrible UX.

What’s up Apple? Why badge my settings with an indicator I can’t dismiss unless I choose to enable Family Settings? I don’t want to!

Please change the flow of this permissions interaction, it’s currently very unintuitive and frustrating.


macrumors 68000
May 19, 2017
This just started happening for me. Seems like a way to try to sneak in an update that'll force two adults who have family sharing to pick a single payment method, even if they don't want to. So congrats, Apple; I've moved my Settings app off the home screen because the badge isn't dismissable.


macrumors member
Feb 21, 2014
I too am now getting this. The message seems to indicate that I MUST opt in, and once I do, I can go to settings and immediately switch to opt out. It makes no sense, and almost makes me wonder if it’s somebody else’s scam. Has anybody here allowed it, then turned it off? Is it fine to do so?


macrumors member
Dec 30, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
Obviously an error on Apple part for not letting us turn off this notification without approving sharing of my credit card with the family.
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