Answered my own question.......
So, there are not very many answers to this question floating around the internet. I really can't figure out why, it seems like a very common problem, alot of people are asking about it, but there aren't any answers being given.
Do I ended up doing a generic search for how to increase fan speeds on any mac, and came across, which has some pretty good Mac modding advice. On there, I found a way to edit the AppleFan.kext file to decrease the base Temp for the fans to start speeding up on. That way, they start cooling the machine at a lower temperature, thus keeping the computer overall cooler.
Basically, you need to edit, as stated above, AppleFan.kext; which is located at /System/Library/Extensions/AppleFan.kext. Actually, you don't edit that directly, but rather ctrl click on it, and select Show Package Contents. Open the Contents folder that shows up, and then edit the Info.plist file in there. Near the bottom of that file is a list of numbers (Shown on the site referenced above) simply make your changes according to the info provided, and your all set.
I changed my fan-hysteris-temp (i am assuming that it is the "ideal when computer is idle" temp) from 55 deg C to 45 deg C. (The numbers shown are in 256 multiples. 55 deg is shown as 14080 and i changed that to 11520 to match 45 deg.) Change the other temps accordingly. (I wanted to drop the temp by ten degrees, so subtracted 2,560 from every number shown). Reboot the computer and your all set!
By the way, for those that don't know, you can only edit a system extension while operating as the root user. If you do not have root user enabled, open directory utility (for 10.5) and authenticate. (Under 10.4 i think that the option is located somewhere in the Network Utility Program.) Then click edit/enable root user. Enter a password and you are all set. Then log out, a new user is available at the login screen called other. Select that, type root as username, and then enter in the password that you did before, and you are all set to go to work as the root user!
Word to the wise, don't do anything stupid as the root user. Because you can literally do anything that you want. Anything. Yes, I said anything.