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Mr. Monsieur

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004

I created a new Library, Event, and Project in FCPX and then imported two 33GB files (4k) and a 1GB audio file. (I had previously imported each video file on its own, color and audio corrected, and then exported those files, hoping to keep the Library file smaller.) I haven't begun to edit the files and FCPX hasn't done anything to tweak the files (at least that I'm aware of)...and yet the Library file is now 630GB(!)

Help! What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to keep the Library file from metastasizing like this?

Thanks in advance!



macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2022
Hannover, Germany
Check your library properties window in the inspector? It'll tell you what your library is made up of. It can only be any of four things: the size of your original media, then PLUS optimized media, proxy media, and/or cache files! The latter consists of render files, analysis files, thumbnail images, and audio waveform files. ALL of which can be deleted from within FC besides the last three which won't be big enough worth mentioning anyway.

Optimized and proxy media you will have chosen to generate and render files will be generated automatically as you go along if it's activated in the settings.
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