For individual document files (whether specified by a file-system reference or a URL with scheme file), the criteria are as follows:
1. If the user has specified an explicit binding for the document (or for the entire document type to which it belongs), the preferred application is the one the user has specified.
2. If the document has a filename extension (or if one has been specified as a parameter to LSGetApplicationForInfo), find all applications in the Launch Services database that claim to accept documents with that extension.
3. If the document carries a four-character file type (or if one has been specified as a parameter), find all applications that claim to accept files of that type.
4. If more than one application has been found as a result of steps 2–3, apply the following criteria in the order shown:
- 1. If the document carries a four-character creator signature (or if one has been specified as a parameter), give preference to any application that claims to accept documents with that signature (typically the application to which the signature belongs).
- 2. Give preference to native OS X applications over those that run in the Classic emulation environment.
- 3. Give preference to applications residing on the boot volume over those residing on other file-system volumes.
- 4. Give preference to applications residing on a local volume over those residing on a remote volume.
- 5. If two or more versions of the same application have been found, give preference to the one with the latest version number.
If two or more candidate applications remain after all of the foregoing criteria have been applied, Launch Services chooses one of the remaining applications
in an unspecified manner.